Ticci Toby Part Two (R)

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As Ticci Toby was walking back to Slanderman's mansion he was thinking what the best way was to introduce baby y/n to the big boss, Slanderman. As he was walking baby y/n was just watching Ticci Toby and let a giggle it every time he ticked as it somehow made her ticklish. Toby smiles down at her and started to tell her storiesabout everyone in the mansion and how she was going to love it there.

Toby was enjoying himself that much just bonding with his new little girl that he didn't notice that he was coming up to Slanderman's Mansion. He only noticed when he heard the familiar creek of the front door opening as someone was coming out. He looked up and saw that it was slanderman waiting at the door to see who has come back and why he could feel someone unfamiliar. Toby looked up at Slanderman and just nodded at him as he tried to walk pass him, but he felt baby y/n be plucked out of his arms and into one of slanders tentacles.

Toby was about to grab one of his hatchets of his back but when he turned around fully, Slanderman had just got y/n up to his face. Instead of busting out crying like they thought she would, due to him having no face, she stared to giggle just like she did once Toby had firsted picked her up.

Slanderman find her strange and different, so he allowed Toby to keep her due to her not being affected by the way any of the looked or how they acted. He got Toby to introduce everyone to baby y/n once they got back or already in the house and she just giggled at everyone who decided to hold her or if she somehow got a look at their face.

Everyone fell in love with the weird yet unique child that Ticci Toby has saved. However, none was more happy then Toby himself.

Hi this is the last part of this Ticci Toby. I hope you enjoyed them.

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