Athos (The Musketeers-BBC)

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As the four musketeers, that most people look up to, were practicing their sword fighting and talking. They didn't know what was happening not that far away from them. Not long after a musketeer came running in to tell them then ran off up to the captains office. They grabbed their swords and raced to where they were told that a fight was happening and a poor innocent girl was pulled into the middle of it. As they reached there destination, they saw a young girl, no older then four, with h/l h/c hair and e/c eyes being held by the main criminal. Tears streaming down her face as she was reaching out to her mother, that was being held back. Before they could intervene, the mother broke free from her capture and made a dash to her daughter.


A gun fired and a body dropped to the floor. The heart breaking thing for D'artagnan was that the little girl had to watch her mother be shot in front of her eyes.

"MOMMA!!" The young girl screamed as she was pulling and pulling at her capture. It didn't do anything to help.

The musketeers stepped in as soon as the gun was fired. Athos made his way to the young girl and took her capture down, she ran straight over to her dead mother. Athos not far behind her and killing, or seriously injuring, the men that tried to attack him or her. Soon they were all down and all you could hear were the cries of the little girl. Athos kneeled down next to her and put a hand on her back, slowly rubbing circles on it. She looked up at him, then launched herself into his arms as she kept crying. He walked the h/c away from the body as she had her legs and arms wrapped around him.

"Shhh. Shhh, it's alright, it's alright." Athos calmly spoke to her.

"B-but momma I-is dead." The young h/c girl said as she cried into his shoulder and held onto him, not wanting to let go.

"I know, I know y/n, but just think you have your own guardian angel to watch over you now." Athos began as he pulled away from the hug, only slightly, to wipe away the tears that had fallen from young y/n's eyes. "She won't let anything happen to her precious little girl that means the world to her." He finished as he stood up and picked her up as well.

Walking over to the other three Aramis couldn't resist but to pull y/n out of Athos arms and run back to headquarters with the others chasing after him and her. They were happy that y/n was giggling even though they knew that it wasn't going to last very long, seeing as she would have to be put down for her nap.

Once back at headquarters they saw Aramis with y/n by the horses and her stroking one with care and being gentle, but the slight frown on her face didn't go unnoticed by Athos. He walked over to her and pulled her gently away from Aramis, he wasn't very happy, and made his way up to the captains office and walked in, after getting permission to use it of course. When he sat down on the floor y/n began to cry and soon sobs were leaking out her mouth as she clung onto Athos as though she didn't want to go. Athos rubbed her back as his other arm was tightly wrapped around her and wasn't letting go anytime soon. He soon heard her sobs die down and light breathing coming from the h/c laying across his chest. He stood up and made his way back to the other, giving the captain his office back, and sat at the table they were at. When y/n woke up D'artagnan played with her while the others watched.

Athos is a bit OOC.

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