Sesshomaru (R)

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Sesshomaru never expected to have his own child. This was due to him travelling all over and not finding a mate to have for life. He almost did once, that was how his child was born.

As Sesshomaru was sitting on the porch in his mansion watching his daughter play around with some of the maids and animals in the garden he couldn't help his lip rise ever so slightly. He would never have guessed she would have been the product of the love he had held for her mother.

Her mother was someone he had met on his travels before Jaken and Rin joined him. He was happy she was born. However, he is disappointed that he missed the few year of her life and the time she was growing in her mother as he never got to feel her kick or her calming down at his voice or getting use to his voice.

Sesshomaru got to name her y/n as her mother didn't know what to name her and didn't plan on keeping her.


He was broken out of his thoughts as he looked up to see y/n running up towards him as the maids walked back inside to complete some task they had to finish. He opened up his arms for her as he pulled her up onto his lap. He listened to her talk about all the things she had been doing as he played with her hair.

They sat there and enjoyed each other's company until they had to go in for dinner.

(I know Sesshomaru is OCC. Please don't comment on how he wouldn't be that caring.)

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