Thorin Oakenshield

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Thorin Oakenshield hated dragons.

All dwarves knew this. Bilbo Baggins knew this early on once he joined the company. There was nothing or no one that would change his mind on them. Dragons only cared about the hoard of treasure they collected or took from others.

It was a sunny day as the company travelled on. Throin was in front with Dwalin and Balin. Kili and Fili were in the back as they joked about. Bofur was about to tell them to stop, but Fili stopped and turned to look to the side.

"What's up with you?" Kili asked as he looked around.

"I thought I saw something," Fili answered as they caught up to the group.

However, before Kili could make a joke, he saw something in the tree line. A warg jumped the company as he went to point it out. Another two wargs came from the sides. Orcs were not far behind them. The company were surprised at how many orcs had caught them off guard. Some of them were cornered. Ori was about to get caught in the back when someone or something jumped on the orc and growled at it.

This got the attention of the dwarves and other orcs. The orcs advanced on the interrupter while the dwarves helped with the stragglers. It did not take long for the orcs to be defeated if they did not retreat.

Ori's rescuers stood and watched the orcs retreat before they turned to the dwarves. It was only a little girl. They noticed her eyes were gold with slits. She had scales that retraced and disappeared. She smiled at them as they looked at her before she turned and began to walk back into the woods.

"Excuse me, miss?" Balin called to her. The little girl turned to him but did not attempt to get closer to them. "Why did you help up?" Balin asked.

"I noticed their presence following you. The lookouts at the back were messing around. Gandeld talked about you. I thought I would help," She answered. Before she could continue her way into the woods, she was stopped again.

"How do you know Gandelf?" It was Bofur who had asked this.

"He teaches me different things. He taught me how to talk," The little girl faced them as she spoke.

"What are you?" Thorin asked after a moment of silence.

"A creature you do not like, so I will leave before I cause you any discomfort,"

"You do not look like anything I dislike," Thorin quickly said.

"I'm a dragonborn. I am one of the few left," The little girl said as she watched Thorin for his reaction.

"I did not know dragons could shift into humans," Balin said as he noticed Thorin tense. The girl shook her head.

"I am dragonborn, not a dragon. Dragonborn can only grow claws or scales to protect themselves. It is why the dragons hunted us," This caught all their attention.

"Who looks after you when Gandalf is travelling?" Bilbo asked, worried as he had not heard anyone calling a name.

"I look after myself," She put it simply.

"What's your name?" Thorin once again spoke after silence.


"Why don't you join us? We may come across other dragonborn you can join. If we don't you can stay with us." This shocked the members of the company.

Y/n agreed to join them. Fili and Kili were the first she warmed up to. The rest of the company warmed up to her and were surprised when she chose to sleep next to Thorin each night. They continued to the lonely mountain and had fun teaching y/n along the way.

She showed them the different things she could do as a dragonbron. Fili and Kili tried to use this information for pranks on the others. Y/n did not mind but would not help them prank Thorin. At first, they thought she was scared of him but that quickly was proven wrong when she sat on his lap without asking him. They watched Thorin's and y/n's interactions as they got closer and closer to the lonely mountain.

When they reached the mountain, Thorin decided to stay together instead of splitting up. This most likely saved all three of them. He realised what he needed to do once he had defeated Azog. Fili smiled at his uncle when he was okay with the idea he had.

Y/n was talking with Gandalf and Bilbo when he found them. He stopped when he caught their conversation.

"You found other dragonborns?" Gandalf nodded at this question. "And you can take me to them if I want to go?" Thorin's heart almost stopped at this.

"I can take you as soon as you want to go," Gandalf told y/n.

"What if I want to stay with Thorin, Fili and Kili, Bofur, Bomber and Mister Dwalin and Balin," Gandalf cut her off.

"I will not take you away if you do not want to go," Y/n smiled at Gandalf.

"I would love to have you here y/n," Thorin decided to let speck up.

He had a big smile on his face when she turned to him. She wore a matching smile as she took off to him. He caught her in a hug when she jumped at him. They agreed that Thorin would be her father. The company members were happy that she would be staying with them.

The one thing that Thorin thought was never going to happen did.

He has a dragonborn daughter.

He could not be prouder.

The end.

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