Daenerys Targaryen (R)

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"When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east.

When the seas go dry, and the mountains blow in the wind, like leaves."

The show omitted the last portion of what she said, but the books also included the lines:

"When your womb quickens again, and you bear a living child.

Then he will return, and not before."

Anything spoken is Dothraki.


Mirri was the most shocked when Drogo did not die from his wounds. She could think of only one thing that would prevent this. Twins. She began chanting again. However, before she could get to a critical part of the spell, Drogo eyes shot open, and he leapt off the bed, grabbed a sword, slit her throat just enough to stop her talking. Daenerys was happy her husband was alive; she was going to leap into his arms. However, she decided against it when she saw the look in his eyes.

Pure rage and hatred.

She waited until Mirri was dealt with. Waited in another tent while she recovered from losing one of her children, but forever grateful she had Drogo back. Humming a tune as she rubbed her bump as she walked around the tent, she did not notice Drogo enter. Only when he wrapped his arms around her as she walked past him did she notice he had returned to her side. She smiled when he placed his hands on her bump where their little wonder lived on.

One year later.

The sound of swords clashing, bodies hitting the floor and each other as Drogo watched the tribe practice their skills. He did not miss Daenerys walking to him while watching and observing the camp. Their little wonder next to her looking and observing just like himself. When their eyes met, a big smile made its way onto their faces, a small but noticeable one for Drogo, as they tried to race towards him, but Daenerys held their hand tight as they almost ran into the fighters. She guided both of them around, and towards Drogo side, he picked up their little wonder and placed them on his lap.

"Hello, princess," He said to their little wonder. "How is my little y/n?"

Daenerys smiled at the two as she watched them from her seat. Little y/n giggled before patting his cheeks with her hands and calling out daddy. That was before she spotted her fathers her laying on his chest just in front of her. She moved her hands from his cheeks and began playing with his hair. Drogo let her do as she pleased as he turned to look towards Daenerys, who was admiring what was in front of her. They looked at one another before their eyes turned back to y/n, who was looking between her parents.

They made a promise the day the y/n was born after her brother, Rhaego; she would always know what it was to feel their love, and no harm would come to her unless she decided on a fate that included her following the tradition of the warrior. However, it would be her decision to make. They would also tell her about her older twin brother, which is why she is always looking and reaching over for someone when they are not there. Y/n would always have the ache in her heart, but they would try and fill it until she knew why or someone else filled the gap.

They would never let their little wonder go unless she wanted them to.


I have not watched game of thrones, so I apologise if any information is incorrect. I did as much research as I could on what I needed to know. I hope you enjoyed the story otherwise.

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