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Today was just another day of performances at high school. I had decided on a simple outfit consisting of an over-sized grey hoodie that had an outline of flames in the middle of it and ripped black jeans with my favourite black converse, one of my amazing outfits for another day at school. On top of my mousy brown hair, that was pulled into a low ponytail with the front pieces of my hair loose by the sides of my face, was a black beanie with a fire outline to match the hoodie.

I was with Flynn when we spotted Julie at her locker, wearing the red baseball cap as usual. We both approached her with a smile on our faces.

"Hey underachiever." Flynn says as we near Julie.

"Hey disappointment." Julie greets Flynn back. "And loser."

"Hey Jules." I smile towards her and give Flynn a look which indicates that she should ask the question we were dying to know the answer for.

"Okay, I know you don't want us to ask, but we need to know, have you figured out what you are gonna do today?" Flynn asked. Today, Julie was going to perform in music, but hasn't played a single note in a whole year since her mom passed away. The last time I know she sang was with her mom, a few days before she died.

"I'll know in the moment." She replies, mostly telling herself that. I didn't believe her though.

"Jules, really?" Flynn leaned against the locker while folding her arms. "That is all you're giving us?"

"Mrs Harrison said this is your last chance Jules, please give it a try." I reminded her.

"I know. I was there." She nodded as Carrie walked around the halls, giving out a piece of paper to anyone she could reach.

"What is she handing out?" Flynn asked disgustedly watching her.

"Desperation." Both me and Jules say at the same time. We give each other a look and smile.

"Here you guys go. My group is performing at the spirit rally tomorrow." Carrie handed us each a pink piece of paper titled 'Dirty Candy' which is her band name. Not a good name if you ask me. "I'm sure you guys don't have anything better to do."

"Oh my gosh, Carrie, thanks!" Flynn smiles sarcastically as I hold in a laugh.

"Oh my gosh, Flynn! Don't bother coming." Carrie shoots back to Flynn before pivoting on her heels and walking away happily, putting on another one of her fronts.

"Now, to music!" I link my arms with both of Flynn's and Julie's and drag them to the music room.


First performing was Nick, Carrie's boyfriend who Julie has had a crush on since she was younger.

Me and Flynn are over it and think Julie just needs to have some courage and do something about her feelings before she has no chance at all. Nick plays his guitar solo, which is quite good in my opinion, and we clap once he finishes.

"Ok, we have one last performance. Julie?" Mrs Harrison speaks up looking towards our best friend. We let go of her hands so she can go up to the piano. We watch as she sits down and has her hands hovering over the piano keys and looks up at us. We both give her a small nod, silently telling her that we believe in her. Just as she was about to play something she sighs and pulls back.

"I'm sorry." She apologizes before rushing out the room, leaving in silence.

"Is this when we clap?" Carrie pipes up and I give a glare towards the girl sat in front of us.

"Watch it Carrie." Flynn barges past her and I am quick to follow as we chase after Julie.


After school, and a lot of comforting Julie, the day was over and we can go home. Flynn went separate ways to me and Julie. I lived with Julie as my parents weren't always home distracting themselves from what had happened a few years back. Julie was happy to let me stay at hers and so was Ray, her dad, as I helped them whenever I could.

Invisible : JATPWhere stories live. Discover now