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"Where are you?" Julie muttered to herself, as we checked the time. 15 minutes late.

Soon it became half 11 at night, the boys bailed on us. Flynn walked up to us two, seeing us both on the ground sulking slightly.

"I can only stall for so long. It's 11:30. I think you should just play by yourselves. I mean, holograms or no holograms, you'll both be amazing." Flynn told me and Julie as we looked at each other. We knew we needed the boys.

"You saw us the other day. We can't play without them." Julie told Flynn.

"Yeah, I panicked a lot. So did Julie." I say to Flynn looking up at her.

"They'll be here. They have to..." Julie said to Flynn, but I think she meant it for us, to keep our hopes up.

"Looking good Bobcats!" Flynn shouted to the students as they all cheered; I heard footsteps behind us, expecting to see the three ghosts who promised us, but it was Nick and Ethan instead.

"Issues?" Nick asked the both of us as we stared at him.

"Always." Julie answered him as Nick sat down next to her and Ethan sat next to me looking at me.

"What's wrong?" He asked me.

"Trouble tuning the guitar..." I lied, it was already tuned but I didn't know what to say. Ethan motioned for me to pass the guitar and I did. He placed it on his lap and played the strings one by one, with a frown on his face.

"Val, it sounds tuned to me." He said looking at me sadly. "Are you nervous?" He asked me after a little while.

"I- It doesn't sound right to me.. and we had trouble with the projector anyway.." I said looking at Julie.

"Here's... the problem." Nick said as he held the unplugged power cord; he then plugged it in to an extension cord, turning on the fake projector as the lights came on.

"I'm confused... Ash, Julie.. you girls did great at the Spirit Rally." Ethan said looking between us both. "So here's my question: Were you actually stumped... or you don't want it plugged in because you don't want to perform?" He asked us as Julie ad Nick stood up.

I look away from him as I heard him stand up.

"Come on." Ethan said holding my hand and pulling me up to stand next to him. "You'll do great. I promise you." Ethan smiled at me, he calmed my nerves a little but not how Reggie could.

"Hey, don't let this crowd freak you two out. What Ethan and I saw last time the two of you played was insane. You guys can do this." Nick said giving us a small pep talk. I smile at the two, they were sweethearts. "We knew you had it in you." He said before they both walked on to the stage.

"Wait. What?" Julie asked as we watched Nick take the mic from Flynn.

"Hey, everybody!" Nick exclaimed getting everyone's attention. "We fixed the hologram thing! Who wants to see a show?" Nick shouted as everyone cheered. Julie and I looked at each other with wide eyes. I was filled with nerves again as they looked at us.

"Now..." Ethan grabbed the mic from Nick and smiled. "...give it up... for JV and the Phantoms!" He shouted as everyone cheered again. Flynn looked at us and I shrugged at her not knowing what to do.

"Um.. Hi.." Julie said into the mic that Ethan handed her before they jumped off the stage. "Listen... here's the thing.. even though we got the machine fixed, thanks to the guys.." She started as everyone cheered again. "Val and I can't seem to link up with the guys..."

"We don't know if it's them or us, but I'm afraid Julie and I are going to have to cancel the show." I finish for her as Julie and I stared at the ground. The students all gave shouts of confusion.

Invisible : JATPWhere stories live. Discover now