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The next day came and I just threw on some light blue jeans with a white cropped jumper. I paired them with a black denim jacket and my black converse. I put my hair in a high loose ponytail pulling out the front pieces of my hair.

I grabbed my bag and walked to school with Julie. As soon as we got into school I got separated from Julie as people wanted to take photos with me. I smiled shyly as people kept coming up to me.

"I don't know why you guys want these, but alright." I say smiling in each of the photos everyone took with me.

"Thanks Valerie. You're awesome." One of the girls said to me before she and a group walked away. I sighed in relief after they left.

"She's so cool!" I heard people say to me as I started to walk to my locker.

"Can I get a picture too?" I heard someone say and I turned around with a small smile.

"S- Hey Ethan." I smile looking at him before making a joke. "I'd have to check with security. Oh wait, I don't have any." I said as Ethan laughed a little.

"Yet. You laugh but after last nights performance it's clear that you and your band will blow up." Ethan told me and I shook my heard.

"It was just a small party, Ethan." I shrugged looking at him.

"Right. I just wanted to say that when you perform, you look so carefree." Ethan said to me smiling. "You look nervous at the start yes, but when you get to the chorus you look so free and confident." He told me and I listened watching him talk.

"Performing with the band calms my nerves." I explain to the boy and he smiles nodding at me.

"Well I like the confident you." Ethan says and I stare shocked at him.

"Thank you.. Anyway.. I need to go find Julie and Flynn." I say as I take a step backwards.

"Wait, Val." Ethan says, stopping me from walking away. He clears his throat and looks at me. "We make a great team.. especially when we dance together so I was wondering.. if by any chance we can study together?" Ethan says hopefully and I stand shocked.

"Ethan.. I would love to.. but.." I say and I watch his face fall slightly. "I'm not sure I have much free time with the band and practicing and with school." I explain apologetically.

"Oh, no worries. Then can I ask you something else?" Ethan asks and I tilt my head curiously.

"Sure, whats up?" I say.

"Any chance you could find time to go on a date with me?" Ethan asks and I stand in shock. It takes a few minutes to get into my head that Ethan asked me out on a date.

"Wow.. Ethan just asked me to go on a date with him.." I mutter to myself in shock, more repeating so I can get it into my head. "and you know that... because you're Ethan.." I chuckle nervously as Ethan watches me.

"I am." He smiled at me.

"I'm flattered... Really I am.. You're really cool.." I said as he chuckled sadly, his smile leaving his face.

"That doesn't sound like a yes." Ethan pointed out to me and I looked at the ground. "I can safely assume you like someone else then..?" Ethan asked me.

"Yeah.. I kinda do.." I told him as he put his hands in his jeans pocket.

"Guess I missed my shot then. Um.. Are we still good for dance partners?" Ethan asked me hoping it wasn't awkward between us.

"Definitely. I still gotta teach you how to dance." I responded with a small smile. He didn't smile back but nod at me.

"And.. awkward exit. I'll, uhh.. see you in dance." Ethan said as he walked away from me. I sigh and walk to my locker.

Invisible : JATPWhere stories live. Discover now