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I had changed into my dress, it was black and a turtle neck kind of dress but it revealed my shoulders. It was skin tight above the waist but it flowed to mid thigh after my waist. It was a simple yet beautiful dress. I wore plain black heels with the dress, and my hair was down and straight.

"Boys, I want you to focus and leave it all out on the field." Coach Barron told his lacrosse team and I looked at Ethan with a confused look.

"Sports." Ethan simply said to me and I nodded softly.

"You're losing them, Frank." Mrs Kelly said to the coach.

"No, I got em." He replied. Coach... you definitely do not.

"Breath in... Breath out. Shake out your nerves. Surrender to the music and to your partner. Here we go." Mrs Kelly then told us all as I took a deep breath before exhaling. I looked at Julie and we made eye contact. I smiled at her which she returned.

"I- I don't remember anything about surrendering." Ethan said confused.

"It's the music taking control Reg. You'll be fine." I send him a comforting smile.

"Uh.. It's Ethan." He told me as my face went to one of being awkward.

"Right! Sorry, I was on a phone call to Reg earlier that's why I got confused." I explain myself looking at him. He just nodded, still confused at me. "We're gonna kill it." I added as the music started playing. I put my back to Ethan getting ready.

"Five, six, seven, eight." Mrs Kelly counted as we all started dancing the routine. When we got to the freestyle part me and Ethan did as we planned. He jumped out as I did a triple turn, where I then jumped out of my turn. Ethan put his hands on my waist before lifting me and putting me back on the ground. I had my back to him as he grabbed my hand pulling me towards him as I smiled looking at him.

I looked at the mirrors lining the room, and stopped what I was doing. Reggie was looking at me wearing a white dress shirt, black pants and black dress shoes. I looked around me and saw Julie but nobody else. We turned back to the mirror and watched as Reggie and Luke stepped through it.

Perfect Harmony - performed by Reggie, Luke, Julie and Valerie

Step into my world

The background faded out of the gym and faded into a black dance floor with white pillars. I look around in shock as Reggie walked towards me.

Bittersweet love story about a girl
Shook me to the core

Reggie held out his hands in front of him. He knew we wouldn't be able to touch but I tried my luck anyway.

Voice like an angel
I've never heard before

I raised my hands a third time, taking a deep breath as I placed my hand in his. We were touching. I smiled at him as I started to dance with Reggie. Luke and Julie were dancing together.

Here in front of me

I held my hand up as Reggie grabbed it, pulling my back into his chest, and then he grabbed both my hands.

Shining so much brighter
Than I have ever seen

Reggie picked me up, spinning my around before slowly putting my back to the ground. I leaned into him enjoying the time we had.

Life can be so mean

Reggie then grabbed my hand, spinning my around him. I leaned into him before he spun me another time, pulling me to his chest.

Invisible : JATPWhere stories live. Discover now