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We slowly get up from the sofa and walk upstairs. Me and Julie sat in her room.

"Did he really punish us? Because your aunt said so?" I complain as I sit on the edge of her bed.

"Yep." Julie chuckles as she draws on her mic. We had matching mics but hers was white and mine was black. She drew in black and I sometimes doodled on mine but mostly my guitar. I watched as she drew a birthday cupcake.

Both of our cellphones buzz and we both look up confused. I saw it was a text from Ethan wearing a crazy chicken outfit saying that is what he will wear at the dance on Friday. I chuckle and reply saying 'I will laugh at you if you do.'

We then hear a knock at the door and see Reggie's arm halfway knocking on the inside.

"What are you doing?" I laugh at him.

The arm disappears before his head pops in and he smiles at me.

"We're being classy." He said with a smile. He makes a yelp before he gets pulled out and I laugh. Soon enough Luke comes through first before the others follow.

"Why are you both still here? We're going in, like, 20 minutes." Luke said as he walked towards us both.

"We lied to my dad..." Julie starts messing with a bracelet on her wrist. "So.. now we are stuck here for the night." She explained to the ghosts.

"Yeah but we were just at the venue. I mean, it's packed. Like VIPs, managers. It's kind of crazy." Alex says using his hands to express himself.

"What are we gonna do about her aunt? She's right downstairs!" I say looking at the boys who just smirk at each other.

"Your aunt." Luke scoffs as he walks over to Julie's window and opens it.

"You want us to leave through the window?" I say in shock as I stand up from the bed.

"Yep. You're not taking the stairs." He chuckles turning to face us both. Julie looks at the other two ghosts before smiling.

"OK. Let me get dressed. We'll meet you guys there." Julie smiles and I look at her too.

"Alex. Help me with my outfit." I smile at the ghost as I go to the door and look at him.

"Of course!" He looks at me and follows me. Once we are in my room he opens my wardrobe and stares at it for a bit. "Now let's see. We want to impress Reggie." He said as he looks at my clothes.

"Alex!" I look at him with my arms crossed.

"It's not wrong." He said without even looking back at me. He pulled out a red over-sized shirt, a black waist corset and some black shorts that wouldn't be seen under the shirt.

He places them on the bed before going to look at my shoes and grabs a pair of black knee high boots. I nod as I watch him put together an outfit.

"You need to be my stylist from now on." I chuckle as he turns around and passes me the final outfit.

"See you at the venue." He waves before he poofs out. I smile before changing into the outfit and look in the mirror. I take my hair out the low ponytail and braid it loosely and messily. I pull out a few stray hairs at the front of my face and smile going to Julie's room.

"Ready?" I smirk at her. She nods. She was wearing a blue short jumpsuit and her moms jacket with a flower on it. I smile sadly and we both leave through the window. Luckily I had got remembered to grab my guitar and the case before leaving.


"Next up, Dirty Candy." The announcer announced as Julie and I walked into the venue, meeting up with Flynn who was waiting for us.

Invisible : JATPWhere stories live. Discover now