• Four

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I stayed in my room for most of the night trying to do some work since I was a little behind in my studies. I sigh and look at my guitar in the corner of my room. Not tonight, school studies need to be caught up before I play.

I go downstairs later at night for a small snack and see Luke and Julie talking, I smile and bounce towards Julie.

"Jules! Whatcha talking about?" I say as I stand on the other side of the counter.

"About getting back into the music program." Luke answers for Julie and I tilt my head. How was she going to get back in?

"I don't have anything prepared." Julie answers, must've been to Luke before I came down.

"I thought you'd say that." He smiles towards her. He pulls out a piece of paper and I lean forward to get a closer look. It was lyrics? "It's called 'Bright'. It's a Sunset Curve song I wrote that we never got to record."

"You're giving Julie a classic Sunset Curve song?" I ask as I get a nod.

"You'll play too, you and Julie can perform it together." He says excitedly. "The songs perfect for your range. Check out the chorus for a second." He puts the piece of paper down so we can read it. "If you add your guitar and a bit of piano, I'm telling you... "

Luke then begins to sing the chorus for us.

"Your eyes, through the night

You and I

We will fight to shine together

Bright forever"

Julie then joins in and I smile watching them interact.

"And rise through the night

You and I

We will fight to shine together"

"Go up high!" Luke says before they finish the song.

"Bright forever"

They harmonized and I swear it was the most beautiful thing I heard. I give a round of applause to them smiling widely.

"Thanks.." Julie said looking up at Luke. He bites his bottom lip and gives her a quick nod.


The next day came by pretty fast after what happened last night. Me and Julie practiced the song with the ghosts, I sometimes got the notes wrong which the three boys reassured me I would get it by the time we perform.

I wore a camo green vest top with some black cargo pants. To finish the outfit I put on some black platform boots and looked at myself in the mirror. I left my hair down and straightened. This looked good enough to perform in, at least for me it was.

Julie wore a full camouflage jumpsuit with a white shirt on underneath. Her hair was up and her shoes were bright pink. It definitely brought colour to her outfit. 

We walked into the school's music room and saw Flynn sat on the chairs messing with the trumpets.

"What are you doing girl?" I question as I stare at her.

"And where is everyone?" Julie asks another question after me.

Flynn gives us a sigh and looks over at us. "Spirit assembly. I was kind of blowing it off 'cause I wasn't feeling very spirity." She informs us.

Julie explains that she had a plan to play for Mrs Harrison today and believes she missed her chance. I rub her shoulder as we practiced for nothing. I looked to my guitar that was on my back and sighed sadly.

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