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After the school day me and Julie made our way to the studio where the boys should be. Julie opened the studio doors and I went straight for Luke's couch - he makes us call the couch that.

"We're playing a school dance? Sweet!" Reggie exclaimed as he read the flyer Julie handed them. Both Reggie and Luke were leaning on the piano and I thought about what Flynn said about me liking Reggie. He just had this energy about him and we do show chemistry when we play music together, but he's a ghost and I'm alive. So it won't happen.

"It's not exactly the strip." Luke sighed, disappointed with what we brought back, as Julie looked at him from the plants she was watering.

"And you're not exactly alive, so you should be happy we have our first gig." Reggie told Luke, putting the flyer back onto the piano lid.

"Listen, neither me or Julie were fond of singing at the dance at first, but it'll be a great way to build a following. People will probably record it and put it on social media." I said from the couch, before standing up and walking over to them.

"Yeah. Yeah. We need to play wherever we can, whenever we can." Reggie agreed with me.

"No, you two are right." Luke said, finally agreeing. "Let's rock those kids' faces off and then play the clubs." He continued as Julie put the watering can down.

"And then record a single that gets a billion streams?" Julie asked, walking over to us.

"I don't know what that is, but hopefully it gets us a manager and a tour." Luke said leaning closer, excited about our plan.

"A tour around the world! London, then Paris, then New Zealand, where we release a bunch of hit albums." I chuckled, and Reggie looked at me smiling at my enthusiasm.

"Put out a country album that does surprisingly well." Reggie said, we all looked at him. "I shred on the banjo, so..." He added looking between us all.

"Then I'll learn how to fiddle." Julie told him as I smiled at the ghost.

"Oh, my god, help us all." Luke muttered under his breath, and I chuckle at the ghost. "And then we're being inducted into the Rock 'n' Roll Hall of Fame." Luke continued bringing our attention back to our genre of music.

"But one of us isn't there. Because we had a blowout in 2032. My money's on Alex." Reggie said to us, which Luke responded with a nod. "He's so sensitive." He added.

"I'm sure Alex will still be with us." I shake my head softly.

"What are we waiting for? Let's get rehearsing." Luke exclaimed, jumping in the air.

"Where is our drummer? We can't practice without him." I cross my arms, both ghosts look at each other and shrug.

"We can rehearse without him for now. He can catch up pretty quick." Luke told me as we walk over to our instruments.

The four of us played a bit of the song we were going to play at the school dance. Reggie stood with me teaching me the chords on my guitar pointing out when I should change chord.

"Thank you Reggie." I thank the ghost giving him a smile as I look up from my guitar. Me and him go back to playing our instruments and I bop my head to it. "It sounds a lot better now thanks to you."

"Y-Yeah. We need everything sounding perfect for the dance." Reggie smiled at me, a small blush on his cheeks and I chuckle. Maybe Flynn is right, but it won't happen so I won't get my hopes up.

"Let's all practice together." Luke told us as we walked closer to play as a group; we played the chorus to make sure that part was perfect as that was when the boys would poof in. We had just finished the chorus when Alex poofed back in.

Invisible : JATPWhere stories live. Discover now