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Julie was pacing back and forth in the studio while I sat on the couch watching her.

"Jules. Pacing is my thing." I try joking with her as she paced for about 10 minutes now.

"I'm sorry, but do you really think they can do this?" Julie questioned me and I looked at her.

"Julie, those boys are idiots. They'll find a way to make this happen and you know Alex will probably dance in this plan." I say to her trying to reassure her.

"OK, yeah. You're right. They can do this." Julie said to me as I walked over to her. The boys finally poofed back in from their mission and me and Julie turned to face them ready to bombard them with questions. "Oh my gosh! What took you guys so long?" Julie asked the boys.

"Did Willie do it?" I ask.

"Did you talk to them?" Julie.

"Did they watch the video?" Me.

"Woah-" Reggie tried to stop us from asking so many questions.

"Did they like us?" Julie.

"Are we playing?" Me.

"Can someone answer?" Julie.

"Why isn't anyone saying anything?" I exclaim as me and Julie stared at them. The boys stared at us, overwhelmed at our questions.

"Woah! That's a lot of questions." Reggie said as we stopped asking questions. "Luke, you wanna take this one?" Reggie asked him and he nodded.

"Take a seat." Luke instructed as we both sat on the coach. "Everything is fine." Luke continued as they all knelt down in front of the coffee table.

"Yeah. You should be getting a call right... now!" Alex exclaimed motioning to the phone on the table, but nothing happened. I looked at Reggie then back at the phone. "OK. Right... Now!" He exclaimed again and after about 3 seconds,  the phone rang.

"Yeah!" Julie exclaimed as we high-fived.

"Nailed it." Alex said as the boys then all low-fived.

"Jules! Answer." I point to the phone as Julie answered it and putting it on speakerphone.

"Hello." She said into the phone.

"Hi, this is Tasha from the Orpheum in Hollywood." The woman on the phone started as we all jumped up, celebrating. "Is this Julie? From JV and the Phantoms?" The woman asked and all five of us froze in our tracks as Julie picked up the phone.

"Yes it is." Julie responded as the boys started celebrating again. She took it off speaker and held it to her ear. "Yeah! Totally!" Julie exclaimed as Alex ran to the boys and they picked  him up, lifting him above their heads. "Thank you so much!" Julie continued as she ended the call and joined me on the coffee table.

"We're playing the Orpheum baby!" I shouted as we all jumped in the air.

"Yeah!" Alex exclaimed as Reggie and Luke spun around with Alex in the air. "I'm swimming!" He then exclaimed, moving his arms and legs as if he were swimming. I laughed as I watched them all.


It was later that day when me and Julie came back from shopping, we walked to the studio doors with our costume bags which held our dresses for tonight.

"I'm excited, but nervous." Julie told me outside the doors and I looked at her with a smile.

"Me too, but if it makes you feel better the Orpheum holds less people than our school gym." I told her as she gave me a smile before we opened the studio doors.

Invisible : JATPWhere stories live. Discover now