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I opened my door and jumped seeing Reggie sat on my bed. My laptop was open and so was my notebook. He was looking at them and I panicked. The page was open on a song that I wrote for Reggie.

"What are you doing?" I panic and rush over grabbing the book and holding it to my chest.

"I was reading.. It was quite good. Will you ever sing it to me?" He asks and I stare at him in shock.

"It- It's not finished." I say quickly, lying to him as he just nodded.

"Sing it to me one day!" He said with a bright smile.

I sat down next to him on my bed and sighed sadly, looking up at him. He stared at me before looking at my hand. He reached forward and placed his hand on mine, but it just went through.

"This is an interesting little relationship you and I have." I joked as he looked at me smiling. We stared at each other and I gasped. "Oh! I almost forgot to tell you. Flynn told me and Julie that the video of the band performing Edge of Great is trending on YouTube." I smile at him.

"Trending?" Reggie repeated and I chuckled.

"It's a good thing Reggie. That means people love our music. It means we'll have managers calling soon." I clarified as Reggie's smile faded a little. He looked upset about something. "Reg, are you okay?" I asked the ghost.

"Val, there's something I need to tell you." Reggie then told me as I looked at him, scared for what he was gonna say.

"What's up?" I asked him.

"As you know, me, Luke and Alex are ghosts and are still here because we have unfinished business we have to do." Reggie told me and I looked at him.

"What do you have to do?" I asked him.

"We have to play the show we never got to play. The Orpheum." Reggie told me and I nodded.

"And how will you do that?" I asked him but before he could answer, he was knocked by a purple jolt. "Reg!?" I panicked as he was knocked off my bed and landed on the ground in pain. I panicked and jumped off the bed and kneeled by the side of him.

"We don't have a lot of time left, Val." He told me sitting up using my bed as help as he leaned against it. He had his hand over his chest where the purple jolt came from.

"Reggie.. what was that?" I questioned as I panicked around him.

"We... we did something we shouldn't have. The night the three of us missed the dance, we met this ghost and he put this curse on us. If we don't join his house band... the jolts will destroy us." Reggie told me and I fell to the ground staring at him.

"Then.. Reggie.. you have to join his house band." I said to him as I stared at the bed.

"Val, listen to me. It's for eternity." Reggie told me looking at me sadly as I slowly looked at him. "If we can play the Orpheum soon, then we can avoid that and cross over." He added as he stood up and sat back on my bed.

"Cross... over?" I questioned slowly, and I felt my heart break even more as I watched him. "As... going to heaven..?" He looked at me.

"That's what we are hoping for." He told me and I shook my head.

"So you either cross over, be in Caleb's band for eternity, or be destroyed by those jolts...?" I asked Reggie and he sighed sadly.

"Yeah." He nodded and I stood up.

"So you leave me no matter what. You all leave me just like my parents and brother did." I look at him before walking out of my room and going to the studio.

Invisible : JATPWhere stories live. Discover now