Chapter 1: The History of Madeline (Part II)

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I sat at my laptop staring at the empty screen. What was I going to do? I wanted out of this hell hole, but how was I going to do it without looking like a complete failure? One thing was for sure, one more month here and I knew that I would murder some one. Well not really, I know could never really kill someone, but I'm not going to lie, the Idea has seemed appealing at times. When was my father going to get a hint? I've been working hard for grounds to be expelled for ages now, the difficult part is getting expelled without getting arrested, its a very thin line that I've crossed a million times, but i'm still yet to be caught, hence, no expulsion either. All I wanted to do was go home. I still remember that horrible day when my dad shipped me off. Two weeks before, I'd seen him in deep conversation with my aunt, his sister. I had overheard them while coming in the house from school. I don't think either of them heard me when I came in. As I walked in closer I heard my aunt say something like, ...a good opportunity, and ...good influence on Cameron. I know they're thinking that plan blew up in flames, now.

I would have been able to hear more if I would not have tripped on the phone cable. Oh yeah did I mention i was a complete klutz, thank God i grew out of that. When my Dad heard all the noise he ran to the living room.

"Maddy, I hadn't realized you came in." I could tell he was genuinely surprised, and clearly suppressing a smile as I untangled the phone cable from around my ankles. Honestly, a little help would have gone a long way, but all I got was my aunt kissing my Dad's cheek and saying

"We'll talk some more later." she pressed her lips together in what was what i could gather a failed attempt at a smile, and yelled out the back door

"Bye Maddy."

I mumbled something unintelligible. I really never did like the chick. After I had gotten untangled I remained on the floor, trying to figure out what they were talking about. Later that night I heard my Dad on the phone with my aunt again. There was no way to eavesdrop this time, He was in his room and everything he said sounded muffed though the door. I could have gone outside to see if his window was open, but I was not in the mood to play James bond that night. So I went to bed. A couple days later I had the situation was forgotten, but my Dad was ready to talk about it. I threw away the little bit of sub-par spaghetti on my plate and put it in the sink. I was heading to my room when my Dad stopped me.

"Hey Maddy... don't go yet. I've got to talk to you". His voice sounded odd.

He didn't sound angry, but it wasn't his usual cheerful tone either. We later went to the living room and He explained that in a month I was being sent to boarding school in London. I reacted like any other twelve year old would act if they were told they would be shipped off to another country, and to make situations worse, to go to school, none the less. I hated school already, why would I want to go to school in another country? At the end, all the begging, screaming and crying was useless because in April I had a one way ticket to London. He tried to cheer me up by saying Cameron went to the same school, but I could care less, I liked him as much as I liked his mother, not at all.

That day was one of the worst days of my life. When I got off the plane there was a lady in her mid-thirties holding a sign with my name on it. After we got my luggage in the trunk, I got in the expensive looking car and we drove off. I was shocked to see her get in on the right side of the car to drive. I was tempted to tell her that her car was messed up and the steering wheel was on the wrong side, but I opted out. When I looked out the window all the cars were the same as the one I was in. What was up with this crazy place? Better question how crazy was my Dad to send me to this crazy place? I vaguely remember the lady driver trying to strike up a conversation, but all I wanted to do was cry myself to sleep.

The ride was long and I fell asleep after an hour or so. I woke up to the sound of kids playing outside the car window. We had arrived, and when I looked out the window she kept driving on. I finally decided I was going to talk.

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