Chapter 21: The Last Day

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            As determined as I was to not cower away from the situation at hand, I would have paid anyone any amount of money to make this go away. It felt like I was taking off my cap and gown and packing my things for camp. I sighed and sat on my bed. Every year before London, it had always been the same. Every kid looked forward to summer vacation, and I - I looked upon it as twelve weeks of horror. Maybe I'm overreacting, they do say when we are children things seem so much bigger than what they really are - I guess time will tell.

            My Dad knew how much I hated camp so before we left he would get me a really awesome gift. I didn't want to get my hopes up before. I figured that, that was a long time ago and I was sure he'd forgotten the tradition, but he stepped out an hour ago and said he be back with my gift. The doorbell rang and I walked to the door. Okay, I ran to the door. I pulled the door opened to see what my dad had in his hands for me.

"Oh it's you." I said in full disappointment when I saw Jordan with his suitcase outside.

"Well hello Maddy, I'm overjoyed to see you too!" He exclaimed sarcastically. Jordan and I decided to meet up at my house before we left off to camp.

"I'm sorry Jordan. It's just my Dad said he was bringing me a gift, and he's been gone for more than an hour. I'm dying to see what it is. Maybe it's an iPod? Lord knows mine is ready to get thrown out." I pulled mine out for proof, and  it only earned laughter, not sympathy.

"What happened to it? It looked like you ran a car over it!" He laughed. The screen was cracked and the back was badly scratched.

"Yeah...well." I said not willing to admit that, that was precisely what happened. When Jordan noticed that I didn't laugh or quickly negate his accusation he broke out into louder laughter.

"!" Jordan tried to speak between uncontrolled laughing.

"Will you shut up? It was an accident. I was running across the street and I dropped it then the light turned green. There was nothing I could do. Well It still works." I finally tried in my defense, over Jordan's cackling.

"That's a sad story." Jordan tried to stop laughing to no avail. I threw a couch pillow at his head.

"Okay,okay. I quit." He surrendered. I heard an engine roar outside.

"Dang that car sound nice!" Jordan admired.

"I know. I bet you that's one sexy sports car out there." I agreed.

"Why the heck is a type of car like that here anyway? Haven't they heard this is the suburbs? Angry soccer moms in mini Vans, is as good as it gets!" Jordan did air quotes. I couldn't help but laugh at the horrible stereo-type.

"Lets go see if the lost sucker needs directions to Beverly Hills?" I laughed. We ran to the window to spy. My jaw dropped down to the floor.

"Shut up!" Jordan whispered in disbelief. I ran outside and saw my Dad leaning on the car. He tossed the keys in the air and caught them like he was the kid on the block with the shiny new bike. Only this, this was a shiny new Porsche.

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