Chapter 17: The Cards On The Table

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I was in near shock when Trish explained to me that I had not been attacked a couple hours ago but a twenty-seven hours ago. To think I was unconscious for all that time made me sick to my stomach. Well there was that, and that the food they served here was I no way trying to raise the bar - off the ground.

My dad apologized a million times for not coming to the banquet. Apparently when he went to pick up his fiancé, she was feeling sick so He decided to stay with her. I told him it wasn't his fault, and honestly, I was just glad that he'd stayed with me the whole time afterward.

I was actually relieved that he didn't come to the banquet. I couldn't begin to imagine what he would have done. My dad told me he was going to go home to pack a bag of clothes and things for me. Trish volunteered to help and Derek went with her.

"Don't ever let a guy pack for a girl." She whispered in my ear, when she came to say goodbye.

The doctors told my father that they would monitor me through the night, and if everything went well they would release me in the morning. All of us were in my hospital room, and I suddenly realized that my friends from both schools were here with me. They weren't glaring at each other or fighting. They were actually laughing and joking around together. Jordan was laying on the bed with me and Trish was sitting on Derek's lap by the window seat. Even Aiden and Zac were being civil, although they both looked a little more pensive. I looked over to the window seat and I saw Trish struggling to keep her eyes open.

"Trish go home." I whined.

"No I don't want to leave you!" She pleaded though a yawn.

"You guys should all go home." I looked over to Jordan and he was dosing off too. I pushed him lightly and he almost fell off the bed. I laughed and shook my head.

"That wasn't very nice Madeline." He jokingly scolded me.

"I had a billion hours of sleep, and you guys are running on sleep from Thursday night. You guys look horrible." I exclaimed.

"Gee thanks!" Aiden smirked. While the room filled with laughter.My doctor walked in and shook his head.

"You're all still here?" He asked in disbelief. My friends looked in all different parts of the ceiling and floor. They all looked like guilty little children.

"I tried to kick them out, but they refused! Can you help me?" I told him while he took my blood pressure. He chuckled at my comment. My friends looked at me in a Why are you throwing us under the bus look.

"Maddy needs her rest, and so do all of you. Out... out...out....out!" He exclaimed in his authoritative voice. The doctor still managed to keep a smile on his face. Trish rolled her eyes and dragged her feet with Derek behind her to my bedside.

"I hate you!" She smiled and gave me a hug.

"I love you too, Trish! " I said thorough a smile.

"Bye Maddy, get better." Derek said from behind Trish.

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