Chapter 10: The Enemy Is Who The Friend Was

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Chapter 10 | Maddy's P.O.V

I laid on my bed just thinking about what I had done to Rettler. A smirk passed over my lips. I never really felt awesome when I beat someone up or got in a fight. It was just another day in the life of Maddy Walters, but this was different. I had really been waiting a long time to do that. Now that I got that out of my system I can focus on a really good reason on why my Dad shouldn't ground me for life.

If my calculations are correct, and they usually are, based on what Aiden told me, the coaches were returning tomorrow morning from camp. And if that is true the moment my Dad gets in cell phone signal range he'll be blowing up my phone. I'm still trying to decide if I should pick up or wait till he gets home to have the conversation face to face. I think I'll pick up.

My dad isn't a scary guy, he just gets crazy when he's mad. He's never, like hit me or anything and believe me, I've given him enough reason to at times ,but when we argue I truly never win even when I'm right. I guess that's just a perk that parents will always have. They are always right even when they know they're wrong, humph!

I was really trying to fall asleep when my phone rang. Someone must have texted me. I crossed my fingers it wasn't my Dad that had left early and was in signal range now. I looked at the phone it was Cameron.

I know it's late so when you get this text tomorrow call me A.S.A.P!!!!

I wondered what was wrong! I really hoped nothing bad had happen, so before I could let my thoughts get the best of me I dialed him back quickly.

"Hey Maddy I didn't think you were awake." He said laughing

"Cameron it's only 10:30." I said annoyed. I knew by his laughing that everything was fine. I think I care too much for that boy.

"I just wanted to know if everything was okay." He said carelessly. He likes to act like I don't matter to much to him, but I love to point it out to him, he gets annoyed.

"Everything is good over here." I said not giving him to much info. Ha ha


"Would you care to elaborate what good is?" Cameron asked impatiently.

"No not particularly," I said teasing. He sighed in annoyance.

"Guess what?" I said enthusiastically.

"What?" he said dryly. That made me laugh.

"I totally punched someone in the face today!" I said.

"You did what? Maddy tell me your not causing trouble over there already!" Uh, Cameron has gotten to responsible lately, it's very boring.

"One word.." I smiled. "...Rettler." I said waiting for his realization to kick in.

"Good girl. He said in approval. I knew he was smiling. I knew bad boy wanted to come out every now in then. I smirked. Rettler had been a jerk since kindergarden. He and Cameron were in the same class together for three years straight. In third grade Cameron got expelled for putting a thumb tack on a teacher's chair. The teacher would've never found out if wasn't for a snitch, and you would never guess who it was. An offense like that one would have gained you at most a month of detention, but Cameron was always bad so that was the last straw.

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