Chapter 13: The Rivals Cheer

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Once I'd returned from the councilor's office to my class, I was instructed to sit by Jordan. Turns out this whole semester he hasn't had a partner. I wonder why that was. I sat in silence and he stared at me in confused concern.

"What happened to you look like crap." He said whispering.

"Gee thanks!" I replied clearly annoyed.

"I'm serious. What happened back there?" He inquired again.

"Turns out your school has some after school activity credit requirement!" I countered begrudgingly.

"Yeah, and? there are a lot of cool things after school. Like tennis, volleyball, swimming and glee club, ignore that last one, and a whole mess more it's not that big of a deal. I'm sure there is something you'll like." He smiled satisfied.

"Well turns out, and I quote, Due to the late entrance we only have two spots open, so yes, this is bad." I exasperated.

"What are they? They have to be bad if you look this depressed." He asked a little too happy and intrigued. He was entertained by my misfortune. Jerk. I took a deep breath.

"Chess and Cheer-leading, but I can't join chess because, I know nothing about it." I said in a hopeless voice. Jordan let on a small smile.

"Don't you dare laugh Jordan..." I threatened. He looked like he was trying not to.

"But-I-can't-help-it." And he burst out into laughter. The whole class including the teacher turned to see what was going on. Jordan froze when the teacher glared at him

"Is there something you and Ms. Walters would care to share with the class, Jordan?" The teacher asked angered.

"No sir." Jordan said soberly. When the teacher turned back around Jordan had a huge smile on.

"Maddy Walters Cheerleader of the Sea-Hawks." He said trying to get the feel of the sound of that. He smiled.

"What the heck did you do in a previous life? " He laughed, more quietly this time. "Well after school I'll have to take you to their practice." He smiled again.

"You'd love that wouldn't you?" I replied distastefully.

"Don't be bitter Maddy you never know what it might be like till you try." He tried to make me feel better. I stared out the window. I was into athletics, but Cheerleading was never for me. I was the person that made fun of cheerleaders. Looks like I'm going to have to make fun of myself in the mirror now. I sighed and slid down my chair as far as I could go without slipping off my chair. Jordan looked at me sympathetically. The bell rang and we got up to go.

"Gym Time!"  Jordan said, in a mock enthusiasm to me. 

"Bite me!" I replied.

"Hey you have to play nice, we've got to sell this act remember." He gestured to us. I smirked to myself, and turned to him and pushed him against the wall. I got centimeters way from his mouth and then pushed away from him. He smirked. "Be careful what you ask for." I smirked back.

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