Chapter 2: The Prefect Things In Life

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Fast-forward a couple years from my first day on campus, and here I am. With these guys, my twelfth year, or what would be called my senior year to Americans, has been the best one yet. I'm the last one left, but now I have all of them to escort me to college parties. My life is a blast on the weekends, but school days are a complete drag. The only consolation I have is that in three months school is over, and I get to go home. I swear, Jarred is the one and only thing keeping me here.

After asking me out for months, I finally agreed to give him a chance. Everyone said we were an inevitable couple. The school preferred us both single. It's no secret I'm not liked by many girls in this school, but it's been made clear that more than enough guys were willing to make up for it, some simply to be friends, and others to conquer the elusive Maddy, but the audible, and sometimes physical threats from Cameron and Jarred, kept most of them at bay, since day one. I sometimes wonder how different things would have been if I'd started at the bottom of the food chain, batteries and bodyguards not included.

Dating one of the hottest alums has its perks, aside from the actual guy, but it's got it's downsides too. For instance, before I dated Jarred he had a long, I mean long, list of girls before me. Believe me, I'm not the jealous type, but it can get a tiny bit annoying sometimes. I guess I can't really talk, I've had my share of guys, not all very good picks, but I don't really regret any of them. Most of the time we just grew apart, and mutually decided to split.

The only relationship I can think of that ended badly was with Zac, back in tenth year, freshman year, for you Americans, we were so inseparable. He had become my best friend, against Cameron and Jarred's warnings, and on Valentine's Day he asked me to be his girlfriend. That day was perfect, and above all, we were perfect together. Out of all the relationships I've ever had, Zac's is the one I want to regret, but as much as I try, I can't get myself to do it.

The guys and Zac never ended up liking each other, but for my sake, they were civil. They were clearly jealous of the hold each had on me, even though they would never admit it. The guys considered me their little protégé, and to some I was a little bit more, but Cameron was just protective, so they used that excuse as well. And Zac, well Zac had my heart, but only part of my attention.

Unfortunately, our romance came to an abrupt end, what Zac's parents moved to The States and decided they didn't want him so far. Unlike my Dad, his parents lived in London and the spent time with Zac every weekend. They would take me with them sometimes, and I grew to love them as well.

After Zac left to The States, I cried for weeks. Cameron and Jarred came to visit me every night for a month. They would tell me about their day, joke around to distract me, and it worked. While they were there, I couldn't help but laugh at the crazy comments, arguments, and spontaneous karaoke. I would genuinely feel happy, but when they were gone it was impossible not to cry.

Breaking up with a guy because he was wrong for me was tough, but I learned to despise him more than I cared for him, and I eventually let him go. Breaking up with Zac was heart shattering and pretty close to impossible. My mind made it a point to remind me the moment I woke up that if it were up to us, we'd still be together. And so the vicious cycle killed me day in and day out.

Zac wrote to me for a couple months, but after a while I stopped opening the letters, let alone responding, it would just mess me up again. After what seemed like an eternity I accepted that Zac wasn't coming back, and eventually began dating again, but it wasn't the same. It wasn't until I accepted to go on a date with Jared, that things changed.

After Cameron, Jarred was my closest friend. I would give him advice about girls and he would tell me to stop dating boys. That was our relationship, and he would always ask me out. For the longest time I thought he was joking, until one day at a new year's party he kissed me, and I finally understood he was serious. I don't claim to have perfect relationship, but it's realistic. I love him, and he loves me, so it works.

The cell phone snapped me out of my thoughts. Speaking of the devil...

-Hello love, can u plase open

ur window I'm outside &

it's bldy freezing out hre...

I ran to my window and there he was, standing in the snow waving his cell phone in the air, looking perfect as always. His chocolate curly hair, getting in the way of his, now, completely enchanting green eyes. He worked out daily with the guys at a gym close by, makeing it extreamly easy for us to see each other often.

I used to always notice the girls staring at him during soccer practice. He'd make a show of taking his shirt off, and they would swoon, then again, I was one of them. They key to not looking like an idiot was to swoon inside, I was just more subtle about it, and I would have never given him the satisfaction when we were not dating. Now he's mine, so I can swoon all I want.

I searched for the window latch at the top of the window. Ever since the fire back in '06, which we may or may not have accidentally started, the school board required ever bedroom window to have a fire escape latter, or in our case, a party escape ladder. I slowly opened the window trying not to make too much noise, at three in the morning everything is so quiet. I pushed the rolled up ladder off the windowsill, lightly taping on the brick wall before Jarred grabbed on. I ran to my mirror and brushed my hair a couple times fast, quickly applying some lip gloss. When I noticed my journal, yes, it's a diary, was still on the bed, I ran and threw it into the drawer of my nightstand. Apparently just in time before he jumped into the room, and not a second later.

"Well, well, well. What is my sneaky girlfriend hiding?" He said in a teasing voice. He had such a killer smile, it seriously made my heart skip when I wasn't expecting it. His cheeks were still rosy from the cold.

"Oh nothing...what's in the bag?" I replied.

"Avoiding the question are we? A secret for a secret." He suggested, still teasing, of course

"No deal!" I replied as I walked slowly over to kiss him lightly, but that never worked. He grabbed me by the waist and pulled me in for what he called, a real kiss. I smiled against his lips, intrigued by the idea that'd popped into my head, and when he least expected it, I snatched the bag out of his hands, and ran to my bed. I laughed hysterically at the baffled look on his face.

"What just happened?" He laughed as he walked over to the bed. Again with the smile. Was he trying to give me a heart attack?

"A kiss for a secret." I replied.

"I like the sound of that. In fact I have a couple more secrets, if you want to negotiate." He replied devilishly. I smacked his arm knowing he was teasing. I slowly opened the bag. Inside was a small rectangular box. I looked at him hesitantly.

"Go ahead, open it. It's for you." He urged, now excited.

I slid the top off the small white box, inside was a case. I pulled the little case out and opened it. I couldn't believe it, inside was the most beautiful necklace I had ever seen. It's gold links shined like fire in my hand, and a small heart with five diamonds intricatly place along one side of the heart swung from center of the chain.

"Happy Anniversary" He whispered.

"But..." I uttered in disbelief, this must have costed a small fortune.

"I know our anniversary isn't until Friday, but I just left the jewelers earlier today, and I couldn't wait. Do you like it?" He asked, truly worried about what I thought.

I nodded trying not to cry. "It's beautiful." I managed to say.

He pulled me onto his lap, and slowly took the necklace from the case. The icy cold chain chilled against my skin. I pulled my hair out of the necklaces' grasp and lightly picked up the little heart hanging from the gold chain. When he let go of the necklace, he kissed my neck lightly and wrapped his arms around me, holding my hands in his.

"You will forever have my heart, Madeline." At that very moment, I knew I was deeply, and hopelessly in love with him.

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