Chapter 26: The Crowning Truth

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  • Dedicated to To All My Patient Readers :)

I told Trish I would drive because if I sat still I was going to lose my mind. Aiden was gone. The sleepless nights, the mindless hours lost trying to figure out what I was going to do, and now? Now he was gone. I know it wasn't easy for him, he said so himself, but why does everyone insist on seeing something I don't feel. He said he saw the way I Iooked at Zac, but I don't know now because Zac told me that I was looking at Aiden the same way. Zac assumed I liked Aiden more and bowed out, and Aiden assumed I liked Zac more and he now I'm left with no choice. I know I should feel relieved right now, but what I feel is more overwhelmed.

"Earth to Maddy!" Trish screamed.

"Waa..what?" I refocused myself to the road.

"You just ran a red. I told you to stop thinking." Trish scolded. She had given me this huge talk on how the weekend would be worry-free, but all I'm getting is the most preoccupied weekend ever. With my Dad being sick and Aiden leaving. I just don't know if things will ever get back to normal.

"I'm trying." I said frustrated with myself.

"Try harder, you promised." She demanded.

"I'm sorry Trish, I can't help it." I said sheepishly.

"I know it's hard, but you have to try. I have things to worry about too, but I refuse to dampen this weekend getaway. I've been looking forward to it for too long." She said stubbornly.

"Okay, okay. I'm gonna try harder, but you're going to have to distract me because my mind is good at filling silence with worry." I replied. The issue with Aiden just leaving out of nowhere and then after thinking long and hard the words that my Dad told me the night before. He never wanted me to find out why he really sent me away. What was with all the secrets and lies? I was freaking out.

In hopes of distracting me Trish went on to tell me the gory details from the private lives all the people I knew in town. By the time we got to Phoenix I knew everyone and everything they did in the last four plus years. I wasn't feeling so bad about my issues compared to other people. Leave it to Trish to know everything about everyone. She says it's a gift and a curse. I think she has enough dirt to blackmail the whole town, but I won't give her any ideas.

Trish and I saved up money for this specific weekend, but my Dad insisted on paying for all the expenses. I didn't bother to tell him that Trish is an expensive person, but hey I needed someone to look good next to in comparison, she'd outspend me hands down.

The truth of the matter was that I really didn't want to go, but Trish wouldn't take no for an answer. I just wanted to stay in my pajamas, and be depressed for one day, but she wouldn't have it. I guess she was looking out for my best interests. It was hard to explain, but it almost felt like I had been dumped. I guess it was more complicated than that. I guess it was just the feeling of not having someone in my life anymore, and it wasn't my choice.

After almost an hour of heated discussion with the GPS we got to the hotel. Leave it to this generation to not carry a spare map as a back up plan when the GPS get annoying. My dad had done all the bookings and I was a little skeptical. He assured us that he had been to Phoenix plenty of times. I assumed that, being Dad, he would totally mess this one up, but when we drove up to the valet parking I really had to slide my sunglasses off. Trish whistled in echo of my sentiments.

"This place is high class." She said impressed. "Props to the pops on this one, Maddy." She laughed. When we got in Trish threw herself on me, faking a fainting episode. Some people looked at us and smiled while other looked at us like we were definitely in the wrong place.

When we got to the front desk the man chimed. "Welcome to the Ritz-Carlton. What may I do for you ladies this fine afternoon?"

"Hello...Mr.....Sanders." Trish flashed her signature smile. The man lit up like a Christmas tree. Trish had that effect on people. "We are here to check-in." She smirked at me noticing the reaction of the man at the desk.

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