Chapter 12: The Coach's Daughter

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In between all the sounds of shock and instigation, as I walked away, I heard someone laughing loudly. 

"Oh, I like her!" The familiar voice exclaimed. 

"Shut Up Peters!" Rettler exclaimed in a threatening voice. I heard someone jogging in my direction. 

"You shouldn't be going off on people like that, you'll never get any friends like that. You know the saying. Catching flies with honey not vinegar, or some crap like that." He laughed.

"What gave you the impression that I wanted any friends?" I replied dismissively. I had to get my emotions in check or I was going to lose it.

"I don't know you just seem like the type that has friends, you don't look like the loner type." He said unaffected.

"Well you're right. I tend to always have friends, but I'm not looking for any here."  I replied freshly and smiled.

"Ah yes. The curious case of the wanna-be Tiger. Got it!" He replied smirking. I stopped in my tracks and raised an eye brow warningly. He raised his hands in defense.

"I quit, I quit, sheesh! I was only having a little fun. Anyways our class is down the hall. Follow me." He directed. I really wished he would go away. I sighed in complete and utter annoyance. As we walked down the hall people high fived him and would wave so I got curious.

"So you're on the football team huh?" I asked.

"Yup." He replied not rendering any extra information.

"What position do you play?" I asked a more interested tone.

"Linebacker." Again, not rendering much information.

"Are you any good?" I laughed.

"I think so!" He chuckled along and continued. "So Aiden huh?" He smirked.

"What about him?" I asked defensively.

"Oh please don't bs me! Everyone in this town knows you two are an item." He laughed condescendingly and rolled his eyes

"What? Well everyone in this town doesn't know what they're talking about! We're just friends." I replied as fast as I could. Was it true did every actually think that Aiden and I were going out?

"Touchy, touchy! Does Aiden know that?" He laughed "We'll let's be clear, I'm not after you in that type of way, but I would like to be friends." He smiled. I glared at him suspiciously. What was he really after?

"Jordan what do you really want?" I exasperated. He stopped for a moment. He looked like he was debating on telling me or not. He smiled and shrugged his shoulders.

"Well I'm more then sure you've met my girlfriend - Veronica!" He said confidently.

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