Chapter 15: The Vengeful And The Blood Thirsty

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  • Dedicated to To all My Amazing Fans XOXOX

Jordan took me home that night. He had insisted on staying with me until my Dad got home. My Dad had given me the heads up that after every game the sports faculty goes out so he'd be back late. There was a party at one of the football players houses, but I  really didn't want to go anywhere but home. I had to literally push Jordan out of the house so he could go to the party.

"No Maddy, I'm gonna stay here with you until coach gets home. You may say you're okay, but I know you're not okay!" He said sternly.

"Jordan I'll be fine. You just won a game! You should be out there celebrating. You're going to the Championships, this is huge! " I exclaimed. He looked at me torn.

"Go..." I said with a smile. He stood in the living room thinking.

"Fine...but you'll call me if you need anything!" He demanded.

" go!" I pushed him out the door laughing.

"Alright...Alright...I'm going...Sheesh!" He exasperated.

"Bye Jordan." I laughed.

"See you on Monday kid!" He shouted over his shoulder. I rolled my eyes. I sat in my room thinking about everything, my mind was about to explode when the doorbell rang. It must be my Dad I thought. 

I opened the door to find Aiden standing outside with five grocery bags. I smiled until I saw all the bags, then I was confused.

"Can I come in?" Aden asked with a smile on his face.

"Sure?" I said in a confused way. He walked in happily. 

"What's with all the bags?" I asked. He smirked at me in a devious way. He started pulling out all the junk food I could ever dream of. Chips, Ice cream, popcorn, candy, Soda, the whole bit. I guess the shock was written all over my face because he started laughing. 

"So we were in the last quarter of the game, and I remembered a tradition we use to have as kids, and I said to myself...  If we win this game I'll go to Madds' place and make her the best movie night ever. So here I am." He smiled. Aiden had a way of making us girls feel special.

"OH MY GOD YOU WON!" I exclaimed and gave him a hug. "But, what about the after parties and the celebrations? Why aren't you out there celebrating with your team?" I asked feeling a bit guilty.

"I could have, but all through the game all I could say to myself was I wish Madds was here. You spoiled me for this past month." He laughed. I rolled my eyes. 

"You're so cheesy!" I teased.

"Eh, only with you.I have a reputation to keep!" He smiled

"Okay Mr. Player you're secret safe with me." It was so funny, yet so annoying, how some girls almost drool when they're around him. It's weird though. I mean I don't need glasses. Aiden's a good catch but I guess I had never really looked at him in that way.

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