Chapter 23: The Unwanted Authority

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"I honestly don't know what you two were thinking. You put yourself and the people of this camp in danger. I thought I could trust you two to be more responsible. I've got twelve year olds out there with more sense. Golf cart racing? I mean, really? " My Dad scolded.

I sat next to Jordan in my Dad's office, as we were scolded like a five year olds who stole a cookie from the cookie jar, before dinner. I honestly felt horrible for the trouble we had caused, but I was struggling hard not to laugh. The situation was so absurd that I was having trouble coming to terms with the reality of it all. So I sat there, my Dad scolding me in my conscience distance, as the scenario played over and over in my head. Each time getting more and more funny. My Dad turned around to get some files from the cabinet as he continued to lecture.

In my mind, I would see the golf cart crash into the water. The staff stampeding to our rescue. One of the staff members tripping, and well let's just say, they gave a new meaning to,and they all came tumbling down. The scenario can only play so many times in my head until I bursted. I covered my mouth as the laughter started  to bubble out. I struggled to keep straight face and disguise an uncontrolled laugh behind a cough. It seemed like Jordan was experiencing the same situation because when I turned to look at him he was trying not to laugh himself. When he began to laugh we both started giggling uncontrollably.

It was hard to take my Dad's harsh words seriously when there was still grass in his hair. When My Dad turned around and realized that we were silently laughing, It was to late to try to stop. To say he got really mad would be history's biggest understatement.

"Madeline Adele Walters I want you to go to your Cabin and don't  you dare come out until I say so. Peters you too. I need to think of a punishment for both of you, since you think this is so hilarious." He said angered. When My Dad said my whole name I was in big trouble. I repressed a smile the best I could and headed towards the door behind Jordan.

"I'll be coming for your car keys in a while, you can kiss it goodbye for a week." He said strictly.

"What? I just got it yesterday." I exclaimed in disbelief.

"I think you've driven enough to last a lifetime, or would you like to revisit the golf cart at the bottom of the lake again? Just be happy I don't take it away for good." He said dismissively. I sighed in frustration. I swear, sometimes I think parents only buy their children expensive things so they can take it away when they're angry. I slammed the office door and caught up with Jordan just as he was exiting the building. Of course there was an audience outside and Jordan smirked.

"I warned you gentlemen, she's bad news." Jordan announced to the crowed of guys. Everyone erupted in laughter and applause,  I was shocked.

"What, I'm bad news? This was all your fault!" I exclaimed.

"My fault? Who was the one who jumped into the damaged golf cart?" He retorted amused.

"Well who was the one that was chasing me?" I replied in disbelief of his audacity.

"Well who was the one who tried to run me over with her car?" He smirked.

"Well who was the one who...who decided to lie and say I was I love with him?" I said, confidant I  had won. Guys oh'ed in instigation.

"Well who was the one that manipulated two guys to lie and was hiding in her car when I came?" He replied. They all exploded in shocked laughter.

"Are you kidding me? It was because I know this stuff always happens when you are in a five mile radius to me!" I replied still in disbelief.

"No need for becauses darling, It was you, and only you." He laughed. Our snippy remarks and bickering  had won us the attention of more than half of the camp.

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