The talking dead - Part 5 - Hank x Reader

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"Sooooooooooo" Tony began, as he caught up with Bruce. Bruce finding himself rolling his eyes.

"What is it with scarily beautiful and the big, blue, fuzzy guy?" Tony continued, as he watched the said big, blue, fuzzy guy take the scarily beautiful woman's hand in his.

"Hank, you mean? Well, (Y/n) and Hank are together.........."

"What? Together as in "together"?" Tony interrupted. The billionaire actually even making the quotation signs in the air with his fingers.

"Yes Tony." Bruce sighed.

"Together, as in together. As I told you on the Quinjet, what you see is a physical form that exists in this plane. (Y/n) can reside in that form for periods of time. She can touch and feel using that form, just like you and me. But as I also told you, she does not exist in that form. She truly resides in a plane between the worlds. A plane that straddles life and death. Heaven, Earth and Hell. To those of a religious persuasion, they may see it as limbo. But (Y/n) was never truly alive to have died. And certainly not to have died in original sin without being assigned to the Hell of the Damned. It all gets very metaphysical when talking about (Y/n). But the physical form resides with Hank. And when she rests, as she calls it, what is really her, leaves the form and the form stays in the mansion, usually under the watchful eye of Hank or Logan." Bruce explained, as Hank opened the door to a room, allowing (Y/n) to enter before following her. The other mutants standing outside, all staring at the Avengers as they came to a sudden halt. None of them quite sure what to do next.

"May I suggest, Bruce, that you, the captain and sargent take the body into the room. (Y/n) will tell you what she needs you to do. After that, I recommend that you leave and join the rest of us. It is better to watch the proceedings from a distance." Charles told the confused team. Bruce nodding in agreement, before turning his attention to the two old soldiers. Steve and Bucky looking at one another for a moment before carrying the body bag into the darkened room. A single large candle that sat in the middle of the floor, the only point of light to be seen. The two soldiers once again glancing at one another, as they managed to pick out the figures of Hank, and the woman that they had been told could help. (Y/n) sat in a chair on one side of the candle, the doctor's arms draped protectively over her shoulders, as she looked at an empty chair across from her.

"Put the body down." Bruce whispered. Steve and Bucky doing as they were asked, the pair getting the strangest sensation that the room was getting hotter and hotter by the moment. That the flame of the candle was growing larger. Brighter.

"If you would be kind enough to take the gentleman out of the body bag, and place him in the chair opposite me, I would appreciate it." (Y/n) suddenly said, as she continued to focus on the empty chair. Her haunting voice making even the war hardened Steve and Bucky jump slightly. Both feeling an odd trembling sensation in their hands.

"Oh, and if you could ensure that he is sat up as well as his body will allow. They really dislike being laid down or stumped over the arms. It makes it very difficult for them to talk. They can find it a little disconcerting. And death is already confusing enough." The otherworldly being continued. Her eyes still firmly focused on the chair across from her. The only movement from her, coming as she placed her hand over Hanks.

"And if you could do it quickly. They are already coming for him. The longer it takes, the less I will be able to get out of him before they claim him." (Y/n) cryptically added. Her eyes still not moving, as the two old soldiers unzipped the body bag. Bruce helping the pair move the corpse to the old chair.

"She's not breathing. What the hell is going on?" Bucky noted. His voice barely above a whisper, as he pushed the dead man's head back. Bruce and Steve placing the arms on the arms of the chair.

"Hell is right, Bucky. But I'll tell you about (Y/n) when we get out of here and join the others. I can feel the room getting hotter, and all that can mean is that they are already on their way." Bruce replied, as he turned and looked at Hank. Giving the doctor an apologetic nod, before almost pushing the two other men out of the room. Leaving (Y/n) and Hank alone with the body.

"I think that you should leave too, Hank." (Y/n) said softly, as she nuzzled her cheek into his large hand that still sat reassuringly on her shoulder.

"I can already smell them. I can already hear the tormented screams. I don't want you to be here when they get here. Good souls such as yours tend to agitate them. Tend to make them angrier than normal. I don't want to have to worry about you while I am fighting them. I need to know that you are safe and waiting for me with the others." She continued. Her lips softy ghosting over his fingers.


"I know, Hank. But I am not afraid of them anymore. I am not afraid of the dark. Not afraid of the fire. Now I have you, I am not afraid of anything anymore." (Y/n) assured. Giving Hank's large hand a last squeeze before she let it go. Hank reluctantly removing his hands from her form, before making his way to the door. The doctor taking one last look at her, as he opened the door, then closing it softly behind him.


(Y/n) looked at the body in the chair opposite. She couldn't remember how many, just like this, she had seen before. Hundreds. Thousands. And nearly all of them had gone to the same place. Nearly all of them had been taken by them. The last image of the soul she had had to speak to, was them being dragged away. Of them trying to dig their nails into the black dirt beneath them, as they were pulled to their doom. Of their screams, as the creatures picked at them. Of their begging her to help them. (Y/n) able to do nothing, as they were hauled into the abyss.

(Y/n) tucked her legs underneath her, preparing herself for what was to come. For the battle she must face once the soul of the man that had been propped up across from her, had been taken to pay for its crimes. But this time, as she had told Hank, she was ready for them. She was no longer scared.

"Now. Why don't you and I talk." (Y/n) said in a voice barely audible to all those listening and watching in another room, as she closed her eyes. The flickering light of the candle snuffing itself out, as the last word was spoken. 

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