Failure to communicate - Part 2 - Phil x Reader

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My apologies for going MIA, unfortunately life sometimes gets in the way. But hopefully you all enjoy this little offering, and I also hope that you are all able to enjoy and spend time with your loved ones during the holidays. So, Merry Christmas. Happy Hanukkah and a wonderful Kwanzaa to you all. 🎄🎉🎁

" You and me? You and me are going to pretend to be newlyweds? You and me? In Rome?" (Y/n) snorted in amusement. The whole idea sounding quite ludicrous given their difficult relationship. Given what (Y/n) had just said to the senior agent only ten short minutes ago.

"Yes agent (Y/l/n). Unless you have a problem with that? Unless you don't think you can handle the mission?" Phil replied, his eyes firmly fixed on hers. The defiant look in her beautiful orbs, letting him know that there was no way that she was going to turn down the opportunity to prove him wrong about her, firsthand.

"I assure you, agent Coulson. I can handle any mission that you want to give me. Even one as bad as pretending to be you wife. And if Director Fury thinks that I can do the job, then I am not going to let him down. I was just enquiring, because I presumed that it would be you that had the problem with it. Seeing you seem to think that I can't do anything right." (Y/n) explained, as she tightened her crossed arms, puffing out her chest slightly. Her eyes never leaving those of the senior agent.

"Good. We will be leaving on the 10:30am flight to Rome from JFK on Saturday. So that will give you two days to familiarise yourself with the details of the mission. There is information on myself that you will need to know in the file that you will have to remember. I have acquired your personnel file but would appreciate it if you would furnish me further details that would help with the mission." Phil explained matter of factly, as he turned his gaze back to paperwork on his desk.

"I will be at your residence at 7:30am on the Saturday morning to take you to the airport. It will look better if we arrive together.........."

"In Lola............?" (Y/n) asked excitedly. Interrupting Phil before he could finish. Phil desperately holding back the smile that wanted to creep onto his lips, as he saw the glint of giddy excitement in (Y/n)'s eyes at the notion that she might be able to sit in the famed Chevrolet Corvette.

"No, we will be using one of the normal company cars. It will be less conspicuous. The less attention that we draw to ourselves, the better. We need to stay below the radar as much as possible. Blend in with all the other tourists and honeymooners." Phil replied. Again, trying not to smile as (Y/n) pouted with disappointment. The agent looking like some small child that had realised that they hadn't got the one thing that they actually wanted for Christmas.

"Now. I will need your information before the day is out. So, perhaps you should go and work on that agent (Y/l/n). If you have nothing better to do." Phil added, as he turned his attention back to the large pile of papers on his desk.

"Of course, honey. Anything for you." (Y/n) retorted seductively, before giving Phil another mocking salute and heading out of the office. The senior agent turning his attention to the closing door. Phil finding himself hoping that that wouldn't be the only time that he heard (Y/n) say things like that to him.


(Y/n) sat in the large, empty room. Looking down at the blank piece of paper in front of her. The pen in her hand being used to play with her hair, instead of writing. When she had first sat down, she had thought of all the things that she had wanted to note. All the things that she wanted Phil to know about her. But as she had stared at the blank, white sheet, she had realised that in a strange way it was like trying to ace a test when there were no questions. You just didn't know what to say. And that actually writing about yourself was a lot harder than you might think. Then, her thoughts had drifted solely to Phil. Despite the fact that they had had words. Or should that be, she had had word with him. And she was still angry with him as she had stood in his office. There had been something, well, several things in the back of her mind that had been distracting her from that ire. The smell of his cologne that seemed to hang in the air. The way he moved. The way his dark blue suit seemed to fit him so well. And those eyes. Those deep blue eyes that seemed to hide so much. Now though, her mind was filled with what they would do in Rome. (Y/n) finding herself liking the idea of having to share a room with the older agent. Of him having his arm around her as they posed as tourists in one of the most romantic cities in the world. Of having him kiss her. Of being able to kiss him. (Y/n) wondering whether Phil would finally see all that he was missing out on by being so cold to her. By seemingly being blind to the fact that even given how he was, deep down, she still liked him.

"You ok, (Y/n)?" A voice enquired suddenly. (Y/n) letting out a loud exclamation, as she jumped at the question. The voice shaking the wonderful thoughts from her mind. The pen pulling on her hair, as she turned to see who had entered the room. A feeling of relief flowing over her, as (Y/n) realised that Maria had joined her in the room.

"What? Oh, er........yeah. Thanks Maria. I um........just have to write some things down for Coulson. He told me that the director recommended me for this mission to Rome. And I will have to pretend that Phil and I are newlyweds. So, I have to give him information about myself that isn't in my personnel file. Though it's proving more difficult than I thought." (Y/n) replied, as she tapped the pen against the blank piece of paper and smiled at Hill as she pulled up a chair.

Maria couldn't help but smile to herself. Looking at (Y/n) as she continued to stare at the blank paper. She had been at the meeting where the mission had been discussed. And at no point could she remember Fury recommending (Y/n) for the job. In fact, what she could actually remember, was Nick telling Phil that given the fact that the other agent would be having to pretend that she was his wife, that he would leave it up to him to choose the best candidate for the job. And it appeared that Phil had done just that.

"Ok.......well what would you tell a guy on a first date.............?"

"Date? What's one of those? I can't remember the last time I did anything but work and sleep." (Y/n) interrupted with a sigh. Dropping the pen onto the table in defeat.

"Well..........." Maria began. Doing her best not to laugh.

"Why don't you start with the basics? You know things like favourite colour. Favourite food. What kind of music you like. Favourite movie. Things you hate. What you're afraid of. I know it sounds pretty simple but that's the kind of thing a happily married couple would know about one another. Right?" Maria continued, as she picked up the pen and placed it back in (Y/n)'s hand, before tapping on the paper. Maria hoping that this mission might just be the perfect way for Phil to tell (Y/n) that there was obviously another reason for the way he acted around her. 

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