Assassin - Part 1 - Scott x Reader

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No one seemed to blink an eye when she made her way into the bustling club. But that was just the way that she liked it. Despite everything, that was what she prided herself on, her ability to disappear into the crowd. To be nameless. Faceless. To be someone that no one could describe to the authorities at a later date. To be a ghost. To be the perfect assassin.

Suddenly she stopped. Her heart beating a little quicker as she saw them sat at a large table. They weren't supposed to be here. Not now, not tonight. They had told her that they had decide on a night out. Something a little different from the usual routine. Something that would take all their minds off the missions that they had all been on. Yet not for one moment had she thought that they would come here.

She had told them that she wouldn't join them that night. That she was feeling a little unwell and would see them all hungover in the morning. But as they had left the compound, so had she. Her own mission not yet finished. Her target said to be making an appearance at a certain hotspot that very night. The assassin not wanting to miss out on her chance.

Slowly she began to mingle in with the crowd again. Their presence would certainly make her job a little more difficult. It would increase the possibility that she might be seen, yet she was not about to be deterred. They had only made it harder, not impossible. But there again, she had always prided herself on doing impossible things. And that was why he kept her around. That was why he had made her one of them.

Doing her best to keep one on eye on the group and one eye on the target, she made her way to the bar. Using the mirrors behind the multitude of liquor bottles to her advantage. The refection allowing her to follow all the unfolding events without being seen. Her weapon ready for when it was time to act.

Then she saw movement, a curse coming quietly from her lips, as she watched him make his way over to her target. Trust him to know a scumbag like that. The assassin sure that they must be in some kind of secret billionaire club together. Filled with funny handshakes and lots of mutual backslapping appreciation. But that didn't mean that the scumbag wasn't going to die tonight. For she knew that if she didn't complete her mission, he would be off causing further misery in more people's lives. He would destroy and kill more than he already had. Her eyes never moving, as the two men shook hands and spoke briefly, before one left to re-join the others. His departure the spur she needed to act. The assassin moving as quickly as she dared towards her target. The man not even aware that he was already dead, as she moved behind him. The screams of the woman that had been sat with him the only thing she needed to hear to know that she had been successful, as she made her way out of the club.



"It's done. He won't be causing any more problems. It will appear like just any other natural death when they do the autopsy." She replied, as she took a seat across from the man dressed in black.

"Good. Did anyone see you..................."

"No. And that is why I am still doing this. Because you know that I'm the best.............. The others were in the club though.............."

"They were............?" The dark man enquired, as he finally turned his attention to her.

"Yeah. Stark seemed to know the target. Went over and shook his hand........."

"Did they see you.............?"

"No, I told you. No one saw me. As far as they are concerned, I am tucked up in bed back at the compound. And speaking of being tucked up in bed, I better get back there before they do. Don't want to have to explain my absence in morning." She told him as she slowly got to her feet and made her way to the door.

"Can I ask you something..........?"


"Have you ever wondered when enough will be enough. Have you ever wondered if all the death, the killing will one day be able to end. Or will there always be just one more. Just one more?" She asked, as she turned back to look at him. The man mussing for a moment.

"I am afraid that there will always be just one more." He finally replied. The assassin giving him an agreeing nod, before opening the door.

"Oh, and (Y/n)............."

"Yes Director..........?"

"Well done." Nick said. The assassin nodding again, before she made her way out of the office.


"Well, that was an eventful night. That is the last time I go to a club with you Stark. Two seconds after shaking some guy's hand, he's dead on the floor." Clint grumbled, as the team made their way back into the compound.

"What? You aren't blaming me for that. Its just one of those things that happen........."

"Its never happened to me.........."

"Nor me.................."

"Fine. You can all call me the angel of death from now on if that makes you feel better. Now if you will excuse me." Tony sighed, as he headed for his bedroom ignoring the chuckles from behind him.

"I don't know about you guys, but I think that I'm off to bed too. See you in the morning." Nat said, smiling at the others, before making her way to her own rooms.

"Couldn't agree more. But I think I'll go and check on (Y/n) first, make sure that she's ok. Maybe give her the gossip." Scott chuckle. Glad that he had agreed to go out that night. Glad that he had agreed to stay over at the compound instead of driving the long way home.

Scott had been a little upset that (Y/n) hadn't been able to join them. She was after all the only reasons that he ever went to anything that was organised by Stark. But at least he was here. And at least he would hopefully be able to talk to her now. Even if just for a little while. The former criminal sure that she was the most beautiful woman that he had ever seen. Sure, that he had already lost his heart. Scott straightening out his shirt before he knocked on the door. A broad smile making its way onto his lips as a sleepy (Y/n) appeared.

"Oh, hey Scott. Is everything ok? Did you enjoy your night?" She asked through a heavy yawn.

"Hi (Y/n). Everything is ok. And you missed a great night. Stark killed a guy.................."  

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