The talking dead - Part 8 - Hank x Reader

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"Not yet, Hank." Charles said urgently, grasping at the big blue mutant's arm. Logan moving to stand in front of Hank as he made for the door.

"Move, Logan.........I'm warning you........" Hank growled. The two big men glaring at one another.

" know you can't go in until (Y/n) has done what she needs to. You would only make it more dangerous. She is stronger than you think, yet she can only fight knowing that you are safe." Charles continued, as Storm and Scott joined Logan in preventing Hank from leaving the room.

"Er..........I hate to interrupt..........but is she supposed to be doing that?" A concerned voice enquired. Hank and the other mutants turning to see Bucky pointing at the screen. Hank rushing over and watching as (Y/n)'s form began to convulse. As it began to glow and float into the air. The now even more concerned doctor racing back to the door.

"Logan. As much as you and I are friends, I swear that if you don't move, I will make you regret it." Hank said as calmly as he could. The big feral looking over to the man in the chair. Charles taking another look at the screen. At (Y/n)'s still glowing, floating form. The professor closing his eyes before slowly nodding his head. Logan, Scott and Storm all moving out of the way, as Hank nearly ripped the door from the hinges and raced back towards the room in which he had left (Y/n). The Avengers unable to do anything but look at one another, as they were left behind. The other mutants following after The Beast.


(Y/n) rose further into the air, as the hordes of the damned continued to clamour for her. Some with their claws grabbing for her bare feet, others trying to get above her so that they could pull at her wings. The talker to the dead bringing her gleaming sword down on them all. Over and over again, as she fought to not find herself dragged to her own doom. Fought to not find herself brought before the beast that many feared more than death itself. Yet as she began to feel herself faulter. As she saw another wave of demon's race towards her, her mind turned to Hank. To his sweet face, and calming voice. To the way that he made her feel safer than she had ever felt before. And finally, to the way he would kiss her, and hold her close as they lay together in his bed. The sound of his gentle tone filling her ears, as she felt her body begin to shake. Her eyes growing wide as gleaming armour formed around her form. A shield coming to her arm. The mutant bringing down the visor of her helmet, as a new energy flooded her body. (Y/n) knowing that Hank was with her. That he was her armour and shield. And as she flew towards the hordes, the creatures screaming as she attacked, she knew that she could defeat anything because of the man that was waiting for her.


Hank got to the room. The door falling, creased and crumpled to the floor, as he kicked it in. He couldn't help but stand there for a moment, stunned as the woman he loved floated in the air. Her glowing form lighting up the once dark room. He knew that she had told him to stay away until it was safe. Until she had done what she needed to do. But how could he just standby and watch all this. The doctor sure that if (Y/n) didn't get though this. If he lost her because the Avengers didn't know how to keep one man alive, he was going to make them pay. One way or another, he would make them all pay for bringing death to the mansion.

Suddenly he saw her light dim. Her body once again shaking. Convulsing in mid-air. Hank clearing the space between himself and (Y/n) in a single bound. The doctor, without a moments thought, taking his lover from the air and holding her to him. Hank dropping to his knees, tears filling his eyes as he brushed some of her hair from her face. His large hand cradling her cheek.

"(Y/n)................" Hank said softly, as he dropped his head. His eyes closing. Unable to contemplate the notion of losing her.

"Please.........please don't leave me, (Y/n)...............I love you." The doctor continued. His grip on her body getting tighter, as the tears now freely fell from his eyes. A hand coming to rest on his on his shoulder, as Charles and the others made their way into the room. All those present falling into an eerie silence.

"Hank!" A voice suddenly exclaimed. The doctor opening his eyes to see that (Y/n) had begun to glow brighter. The others having to close their eyes, as her light suddenly filled the room. Rays emitting from her form and spreading out into the mansion. The Avengers in their room, falling to their knees and covering their own eyes with their hands, as the light found them, a roar so fierce, that those present would swear that a great lion had just entered the room, emitting from the once still body of the woman in Hank's arms. The other mutants finally able to open their eyes as the light died away, to find (Y/n) looking deep into the eyes of her Beast. Her hand combing through the think blue fur on his cheek, as her forehead rested against his.

"You saved me." (Y/n) told Hank, as he wrapped his arms around her.

"I heard you. I heard you through the darkness. Over the snarling hordes. I was faltering, and you became my armour. My shield. If it wasn't for you, I................" (Y/n) continued, as she buried her head into his shoulder.

"Its alright (Y/n). Its all over. I'll never let anyone put you through that again. Now, let get you out of here." Hank replied, as he picked her up and turned around. The others parting as the pair made their way to the door.

"I will go wherever you want me to go Hank. I'll do whatever you want. But first I need to speak to Bruce. To the Avengers. Or all that I have been through was for nothing." (Y/n) replied. A soft smile coming to her lips, as she looked at Hank. The doctor reluctantly nodding and making his way to find Bruce and the rest of his team. 

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