piss and shit

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The two passengers got out of the police car, one covered in blood, leaning on the officer. A strange sight for 2:46 am on a Tuesday morning. The cop was Jamisons neighbor, Tony. A kindhearted "All-American" individual, bravely serving the great free land of America in the police force. Well, kindhearted if it was to white men like jamison and Luke. Any poor soul unfortunate enough to witness Tony's treatment of anyone belonging to any kind of minority would be scarred for life. The sandy blond boy collapsed into the officers chest and began to sob. For the first time in his life, jamison began to feel something close to an inkling of sympathy. He had never felt this way before. The boy covered in blood turned his head to look at jamjson through teary eyes. His head cocked slightly to the side inquisitively. jamison turned the other way, feeling his heart drop in his chest. What was this strange feeling? He had never felt anything similar, it was almost like he was starting to care about someone else. But that couldn't be. He had never done that before! he shrugged it off and went inside, still shaken from the feeling that boy had invoked inside him.

Luke crawled pitifully into Tony's home, staining the shit out of the officers white carpet. Come to think of it, almost everything in Tony's home was white. Luke ignored this observation and instead began to violently cry and throw up on the carpet, staining it even further. Tony just stared at this broken shell of a man in pity. Eventually, Tony helped Luke to the bathroom, where he ran him a bath and told him to scrub clean. Luke sat in the bath, unable to shake the feeling that the labia haired man invoked in him. He couldn't get that look off of his mind. A stone cold face, covered in acne and a sour expression, looking almost like a giant pile of dogshit, in a cute and romantic way. The water had turned cold by the time Luke dragged himself out of his vivid imagination.

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