I am not good with titles (p3)

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(I am just going to put random cookie run related photos here because idk. Also, song is pretty cvnt by sewerslvt)
How could I be kind?
As I walk down to the meeting room, that was the only thought in my head.
How could I be kind?
How could I be kind?
How could I be kind?
How could I be kind?
How could I be kind?
I couldn't be kind, could I?
I couldn't be weak, could I?
I can't.. be weak.
My invulnerability is the only thing I have, I've lost everything, I can't loose that too.
I can't loose it.
I can't be weak.
I can't be kind...
Before I knew it, I was in the meeting room, seated on one of those unbearably uncomfortable chair, with my unbearable group.
Well, except poison, he's bearable.
Though, I still couldn't seem to think straight, until I heard her speak.
"Anything to add licorice?" Dark enchantress eyed me down.
"Huh?" God, this was a mistake.
"Oh? We're you not listening? Something on your mind, something more important than your lord and savior." She was far more condescending than pomegranate, and she would use that to her advantage . She would beat you down and then when you were at your lowest, make you love her with the tiniest bit of praise, and boy was she good at it.
"M-my lord, nothing was on my mind, just a bit tired after having to find poison earlier today, ma'am"I was trying to hide my embarrassment, but I feel as if she could see right through me.
"Oh? Too tired for me? How foolish!" Dark enchantress glared at me from across the table, and both red velvet and pomegranate followed suite, though red's glare looked much more like one of concern.
"Sor-sorry ma'am, it will not happen again!" I looked down in submission
"It'd better not!" She yelled, and then she looked around, before continuing her rant on the witches or whatnot.
God, that was close. UGH IM SUCH AN IDIOT! I can never do anything right. A tear was starting to form in my eye, but I pushed it away and forced myself to listen into the conversation, interacting here and there, and overall just trying to hold my peace. After another long hour of talks about the witches and the true meanings of cookies, we were excused to our rooms, but before that I was called to talk to the dark enchantress.
"My my, did you really think you could hide it?" Dark enchantress chuckled sweat started beading down my face.
"H-hide what, ma'am?" I tried to not seem suspicious, yet by the look on her face, she wasn't buying it.
"Aww, what a poor, pitiful, vile soul, to have the heart to lie to her highnesses!" Her voice echoed across the chamber.
"I-I'm sorry, your highness." Tears started forming at my eyes, though I had to hide it, I couldn't stand to have her mad at me.
"What took place on your quest has lead you astray, tainting your heart that you have lied to your lord, and causing unrest, while I would have mercy, you need to learn, no leaving your bedchambers until your heart has been purified by the darkness, or so help me." Her voice was booming, yet, she somehow didn't seem to know what took place.
"Yes, of course my lord." I bowed, before turning to the door.
"So foolish." I heard her mumble, but I didn't care, I just needed to leave. I made my way out the door, and started my walk down the numerous long hallways. Well, she doesn't seem to know, but she might be hiding it, AH! Just like me to overthink myself into a corner. My thoughts were just all over the place, it hurt to think, yet I couldn't stop. As I arrived to my room, the door was once again, open. I was guessing that batcat had come back into the room for some more pets, so I was going to enter the room to tell him off, but when I went in, I saw a sight I didn't want to see.
(Sorry for a short chapter again, just wanted to get this out ^^)

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