(Insert chapter name) (p10)

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(Song is A town called hometown by Toby fox)
(We're finally moving somewhere semi-romantic ig, so have fun with that!)
                     LICORICE POV
Ohmygodohmygodohmygodohmy- my mind was moving a mile a minute. Y/n had laid their head near my lap, not even on it, but near it...and I just let them? I'm not mad, but I was an idiot to put myself in such an awkward position.
I have to admit, sitting like this filled me with a warm feeling, but still, why?
As the minutes slowly passed, y/n looks as if they are slowly falling asleep. They seem so at peace, while I'm here, just a mess of emotions.
I should probably check the time.
I look to the small analog clock on my nightstand, which read 1:32 pm...huh?
Today has already felt so long, or at least so much has happened today that it seemed that way... but anyways, how is it only 1:32? I probably should get something for poison and y/n to eat once they wake up, I don't want them to starve.
I slowly get up, trying not to move the bed too much so that I don't wake y/n, and head out of the door. I slowly make my way down the hall, constantly looking around, as I don't know if my punishment would keep me from going to get food. Once I reach the kitchen, I look around in the cabinets in hopes to find something to get everyone. I take a few snacks from the shelves, before heading back to my room. As I enter the room, I set everything up for when y/n and poison wake up, then head back to my bed. I look down to see how y/n was doing, and I saw that they barely moved. I slowly sit down next to them, but as I do, I am just unable to take my eyes of them.
Everything about them is breathtaking, their hair, their eyes, their smile, their personality, their... don't get off track licorice.
I place the headphones on my head and press play on the MP3 player. Slowly, I start to close my eyes as my mind wanders off to anywhere except here. I like this feeling.
I am happy here.
Sorry for the short chapter, I am kind of sick today so I just wanted to write something short and sweet, though I promise it'll get better tomorrow!!

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