Still no name ideas :/ (kinda filler?)(p12 and a half)

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(No new song since this is just filler, but I mean the song for the last chapter is here just in case)
(This will start about when licorice asks for the hug, so just know that!! And also, I just need to come up with ideas for the next chapter, yet I need some time to think, so in the meantime have the hug from your perspective!!also the writing will be shitty, I am half asleep but yeah!)
"Hey, you good?" Licorice looks lost in his thoughts, his face a mix of anguish and anger. I want to help him, I want to make him feel better, but I don't know how. He hasn't even spoken for the last three minutes, I've asked him many times if he was okay yet he wouldn't answer. I know he probably doesn't want to worry me, but I can't help it, if it's this stressful for me to even see the state he is in, I can't even imagine what must be going through his head at this moment. That's when, without thinking,
I sit down and pull him into a hug.
Suddenly, I realize what I've done. Shit.
"I am so sorry, I wasn't thinking! With your prior responses to stuff like that, I shouldn't have done that, or i should've just asked, I am so sorry-" I was fumbling my words, I knew that this was probably the last thing that would help licorice, and i knew he didn't like physical touch...
Or at least I thought I knew.
"Do it again." Licorice stared off, embarrassed about his request, but I just sat there, confused. Licorice, at least due to his prior actions, seemed to hate stuff like that (which I respected, I have no idea where this whole hugging thing came from)
"Huh?" I look at licorice, he seemed to regret his demand, yet he asked another time.
"Do it again...please?" Licorice looks at me, while I sit, flabbergasted. Licorice's eyes were filled with sorrow and longing, so I decide,
It couldn't hurt.
I slowly pull licorice into another hug, his warm robes feeling good against my cold skin. As he wraps his arms around my back, I hear a small sob, followed by a small wet spot on the back of my borrowed band tee. I slowly rub my hand on his back, his quiet sobs growing longer by the second. Licorice slowly readjusts his head, burrowing it deeper in my neck, as I just try my best to be there for him. I don't know why, but as he holds me close, my mind feels...quiet...For once. Usually I'm focusing on one hundred different things at once, but as I sit there, the only thing on my mind is taking care of licorice and his needs. Soon enough, my arms get tired, and since he seems to be a bit better, I slowly loosen my grasp on his torso, as if asking for permission to let go. Licorice nods while giving one last squeeze and letting me go. As i look up at him, I can't help but smile.
"You know, you apologize a lot." Licorice stares at me while wiping his last tear, I hum, but after a minute I giggle and make a backhanded joke about his robes, I don't know.
Honestly, after that hug, everything is a blur. I can only remember one thing:
"Though really, if you need anything, you can talk to me."
This isn't really proofread since I kinda just want to get it out so sorry for any shitty writing, have a nice day/night though ^^

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