Ur mum lol (p6)

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(Song is lost girl by Toby fox , also I understand that I am slowly straying away from licorice's cannon personality, and I apologize for that!)
Why am I like this.
As red velvet leaves, that is the only thought that fills my head...
Why am I like this?
I don't like them, do I?
No, of course not! Anyways, not like they would like me back! I'm rude, careless, and all around a terrible person. Am I not?
I am just a freak who lacks any physical affection, longing for any of it that I can get. they seem so nice, and that's probably why Im like this. Well, that is why Im like that, is it not?
Man, why am I always thinking like this, it's as if I can't think of anything if it's not followed by a constant string self depreciation. Idiotic, typical of me...
I lay down on the couch and snuggle myself in the blanket, thinking back on the conversation, happy that I have gained a friend, well, another friend. I know that poison mushroom has taken a liking to me, and licorice... well, I don't know about him, but I've got poison and red at least!
Speaking of that, I wonder how mushroom is after last night, I knew he felt really bad after he realized his mistake, so I just want to know if he's better. I could probably ask licorice to see if he's around. I look to licorice, about to ask if he knows where poison would be, but he looks as if he is worrying about something.
"H-hey licorice, are you good?" It looks as if I caught his attention. He spends a minute looking at me, a surprised look plastered on his face, until he looks back down at the ground.
"Yes... i am fine." Though his words tried to be reassuring, yet his voice told a different story.
"Are you sure? I mean, if not I can try to help!" I offer a comforting smile, his eyes meet mine, then he looks away again.
"I'm fine... anyways, didn't I meet you, like, yesterday?" He stares back up, his expression completely changed.
"You brought me home the same day, I feel as if we've already skipped a bunch of steps." You chuckle. Maybe we are friends! Maybe...
Licorice looks away, then slowly shakes his head as he chuckles, slowly making his way to his bed. I decide I could probably ask about mushroom now that he seems a little better.
"Hey, did you ever talk to poison to see if he was alright?" I turn to licorice. He looks back at me, slightly embarrassed.
"You see, I actually can't leave this room now... it's a long story." He sat down on his bed, looking down to hide his face. You raise your eyebrow in confusion, but just ignore it since he didn't seem to want to talk about it.
"...well, is there any way you could talk to him? I feel like it would be best to make sure that he isn't still hurt!" I look at my hands, then licorice, but he was looking at the wall. Suddenly, he knocks on it in a certain rhythm, a series of long and short knocks, almost like:
.... . -.-- .--. --- .. ... --- -. -.-. --- -- . - --- -- -.-- .-. --- --- --
Which was followed by a shorter string from the other side:
--- -.-
And after a few seconds, mushroom burst through the door.
"Hellooo!" Poison mushroom ram up to licorice and gave him a big hug. Licorice had patted poisons back, before letting them go and starting to talk.
"Hey buddy, I'm sorry about last night, how are you feeling now?"
"I aaamm better!" Mushroom looked up with a huge smile on their face.
"Okay, that's good! I just wanted to check!" Licorice cocked his head to the side, replicating mushrooms smile. Licorice's smile was adorable! I wish he smiled more...
"Could I staaaayyy?" Mushroom excitedly asked.
"Of course, bud! Stay as long as you like!"
"Let me geet some tooys!" Mushroom ran out of the room for a minute, leaving me and licorice alone. I quickly turn around, visibly confused.
"Why the face?" Licorice looked back at me. though his voice sounded sarcastic, I felt as if his question was genuine, so I give an answer.
"Since when did you know Morse code?"
"Well, me and poison originally learned it to help with missions, but they liked how it was almost like our secret code, so we just continued to do it!" Licorice wore a big grin, like one of a proud parent. Suddenly, poison burst back in the door, one of their arms filled with a pile of construction paper and crayons, and the other filled with a few hand stitched dolls. Suddenly, poison runs up to the couch where I'm seated, and asks:
"Hey friennd! Woould you liike to plaay?" Poison looks up at me, their eyes filled with joy.
"Of course I would. What would you like to do first?"
"Coloor!" Poison lifts up his hands, so I pick him up and set him on my lap.
"Heere!" Poison hands me a light blue piece of paper along with a few broken crayons. I look back at licorice, but he seems occupied listening to his MP3 player, bobbing his head from side to side, presumably to the beat, so i just look back down and start my picture. As the hours pass by, i can't help but think:
This feels nice.
(I am so sorry about the short chapter, but it's a holiday where I'm at so I don't have too much time! Also it's

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