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(Song is snowy by Toby fox)
(I'm playing delta rune for the 5th time, so yeah!)
                           Y/N POV
As I hear a loud knock on the door, both mine and licorice's heads turn to face the noise.
"You have been summoned." A feminine voice says from over the door. Licorice's face fills with a panicked expression as the words register in his head.
"Is every-" His expression worried me, but before I could ask if he was good, he cut me off.
"I have to go." He quickly heads to the door.
What the hell?
Licorice stops at the door, quickly brushing of his robes, before he looks back at me.
"I'll be right back." And with that, he turns his head and makes his way out the door.
...well that's reassuring...
As he closes the door, I hear a small yell, and then some low talking. After that, you hear footsteps that slowly fade away, until you are stuck in silence. As you sit alone, your mind is brought back to the memory from earlier day...what was that?
As you start to think back, you hear another knock on the door.
Hmm, weird.
"Hey, it's me!" The voice yelled from the other side. it was red velvet.
"Oh-" you mumble to yourself, before pushing yourself up from the seat and go to the door, opening it up to see red, who was holding a cake-dog thing.
"Hey! I saw that licorice left, and I thought I would see you! And I brought someone along with me!" Red slightly lifted his arm, in which he held the cake hound.
"Well, come right in!" You directed your arm towards the couch. You were unsure if you had the authority to invite anyone in, especially red with the current tension between them, but you weren't going to deny them. Red slightly chuckled before chiming in.
"No- God knows licorice would allow me in here, so I was going to invite you to mine!" Red velvet moved to the side, pointing to a room down the hall.
"I-" I wasn't sure, while I didn't want to be alone, but didn't want to leave the room in case licorice came back."I don't know...I wouldn't want to worry licorice."
Red velvet rolls his eyes at that last statement.
"Well, could I at least just invite you in for a quick cup of tea, I could bring you back before he would even know?" Red seemed pretty pushy about the whole thing, but he was just trying to be a good host.
"I guess it wouldn't hurt..." I stop to ponder if this was a good idea, but come to a conclusion. "Okay! Just please make it short!"
"Alright! Well, you can follow me!" Red turned around started to head down the hall. The room was only a few doors away, so it wasn't a long walk, but as I walked in, my eyes widen.
"Wow..." the room was covered in beautiful burgundy's and whites, with many large pieces of furniture, all covered in either a smooth silk or soft velvet. His room really seemed to live up to both parts of his name. His decorations were extravagant, but not at all gaudy.
"I know." I stare at red velvet, setting down his pet which ran on top of the silk comforter.
I am almost to afraid to use any of these.
Red makes his way to his bed, moving the animal onto his lap. You stayed in the doorway, but he gently pats a spot next to him. You slowly walk over, taking in the pure expertise it must have taken to put a room like this together. I set myself onto the large bed, as red velvet offers a small smile.
"Are you sure you didn't just invite me in here to show of your interior design?" I slightly chuckle at the end of the phrase.
"Well, I won't deny it." Red slightly shrugs, petting the small animal.
This man has no shame, does he?
"...anyways, about that tea?" I try to change the subject, because how on earth do you reply to that?
"Ah, yes! Give me a second." Red picks up the small animal, then sets it in my lap. He quickly gets up and heads to a small closet, grabbing out a kettle and a traditional tea set. I look back down at the small animal on my lap, who seems to be half asleep.
"You can pet chiffon, you know? He doesn't bite!" Red looks behind his shoulder, before returning to his work. "...usually..."
I look back down at chiffon, and hesitantly put my hand behind its ears, before moving it down its back. The puppy cuddles closer into my lap as I continue, but then red grabs my attention.
"Any particular kind?" Red velvets pulls out a small box, filled with small labeled packages of loose tea, and hands it to me. I stop stroking the dog as I hold the box, I sort through the box, until I find a nice floral package.
"I'll have this." I pull it out and hand it to red, who stares at the package. Red quickly nods before returning to the counter. As he continues to work on the tea, I notice that chiffon has been looking at me, waiting for more pets, and doesn't stop until I give them. After ten minutes pass, the kettle lets out a high pitched squeal, causing the dogs head to perk up. Red removes it from the heat, and lets the leaves stoop, before pouring the contents into two small cups.
"Would you like anything in your tea?" Red brings out a tray that held creamer, sugar cubes, honey, and pastries.
"Hmm...could I have some creamer?" I look up from chiffon, but when I do, I see that red is silently laughing to himself. "What's so funny?"
"You don't know much about tea, do you?" Red sounded very condescending in his question.
"No...not really...why?" I raise my eyebrows in a confused manor.
"You don't put creamer in chamomile, let me just put in some honey..." red reaches for the honey on the tray and puts some in both cups. Well that's embarrassing.
Red walks over and hands me the cup and a pastry, before sitting down with is own. I take a small sip, the heat from the cup warming up my cold hands. The flavor was a very floral, and it paired up with the sweetness of the honey gave it the perfect amount of sweetness. After I finish the tea and the pastry, making sure not to drop a single crumbs on the white comforter, I bid farewell to both red and chiffon. Red was reluctant to say goodbye, but he kept his promise and let me go. I enter back into licorice's room, and see that he still isn't here...
I wonder what he is doing?
haha, British red velvet cookie, go drink your tea and crumpets you Brit. And also, so much for trying to make the story go faster.

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