This chapter is crap and ill probably rewrite byt im tired rn(p16)

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(No song today, or at least until I find one that works)
(Ahh this chapter is so shitty, AND I AM SO SORRY FOR SUCH A LONG BREAK! I TRIED TO TAKE A SMALL BREAK BUT THEN I KINDA GOT A LITTLE LESS MOTIVATED TO WRITE, BUT NOW I AM FEELING GOOD ENOUGH TO WRITE NIW, SO SORRY FOR TGE WAIT!! And also, I might rewrite chapter 8 because I don't like the way I wrote it, so yeah!)
God damnit

I make my way down the long halls of the castle, looking for our meeting room. I couldn't help but dread whatever might lie there, wether it was a angered dark enchantress, or worse:

A disappointed dark enchantress...

It's weird, the fact that I am constantly fearing the one who once gave me comfort and peace, the one that I would give my life for if needed, the one I would scrawl praises for in the lines of my journal...

I haven't written in that thing in a week, I should probably do that...

After a long walk, I arrive at a set of large doors.

You can do this licorice...just...breathe

I knock upon the heavy doors, which slowly open with a loud creak in return. As I look up, I see the dark enchantress seated on her throne.

"Ah, yes, my dear licorice!" Dark enchantress slightly holds her arms out, "come here!"

Why does she seem so happy?

"I-" you look down at the hard marble floor, before looking back up into the dark enchantress's eyes."Of course your highness."

"Haha, no need for the formalities dear!" Why did the Dark enchantress seem And even more important, why is it alarming.

"Of course!" I quickly correct myself, before continuing through the room, until I found myself in front of her throne.

"You know, you have always been one of my most devoted followers!" The dark enchantress slightly chuckled, and though I was unsure how genuine the statement was, I couldn't help but feel slightly happy about it. "Such a shame what had to happen the other day..." her voice was suddenly filled with a hint of disappointment.

"Ah...yes..." although I know the dark enchantress didn't want the 'formalities' I still don't feel comfortable enough to fully relax.

"I feel as if you have come to a point of purification, am I wrong?" The dark enchantress's face turned stern, her eyes filled with an almost concerned look, but knowing her, it was most likely far from that...

"No ma'am... you're not..." I quickly reply, hoping to finish this conversation could end as soon as possible.

"Is that so?" The dark enchantress raised her eyebrow, before softly chuckling, though after a second, her face goes blank and she stares into the very depths of my soul. "...I know what you've done..."

"Uh-" my eyes widen and my face filled with fear, but as I sit there in terror, the dark enchantress starts laughing.

"Ha! Quite the reaction! Well then, unless you have anything to admit, you are now free from your punishment..." the enchantress's face quickly turns unamused as she rests her head on her palm.

"I- of course...." I quickly turn to exit the large room, walking away from the throne as fast as I could. Once I exited the room, i couldn't help but think:

This can't be good
AHH I AM SO SORRY FOR THE LONG BREAK! And also for the short chapter, it was originally going to be longer but I needed to get this out tonight. Also, I am very obsessed with the new fnaf game, so yeah!!

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