I ised to be obsessed with lalaloopsy dolls, just a fact (p11)

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(Song is Ferris wheel by Toby fox)
(Ugh! I feel as if my story is moving a little slow, so this chapter will be a little more fast paced, sorry about that, though really, ten chapters and it hasn't even been two days?)
                         Y/N POV
As I slowly rise from licorice's bed, I see that both licorice and poison are already up, both of them sitting down with a snack. 
Hmm, i am a little hungry...
Licorice and poison seem to be having a small conversation, which really didn't interest me at the moment. I stand behind the couch they were sitting on, and waited for the conversation to stop, and when it finally did, I lightly tapped licorice on the shoulder.
"AH!" Licorice pulls back, placing his hand on the area i tapped.
"Oh my god, I am so sorry!" I quickly step back, my hands in the air as if I've been accused of something.
"It's fine... just don't do that again" he sounded as if he was instructing an unruly child.
"Of course, my bad...but may I ask, where could I find something to eat?
"Oh, um, well there is some stuff you can choose from over there." Licorice pointed at his desk, which held a small pile of snacks.
I guess it's something.
As I walk over, I pick up something from the pile, not exactly looking at the labels.
Once I grab a snack, I make my way over to the couch which held both poison mushroom and licorice.
"Mind if I sit here?" I look down at mushroom, who is laying down on both of the cushions.
"Oof course.." poison flashed their usual grin, before moving near the middle.
"Thank you!" I smiled back at mushroom before sitting to their right. As soon as I sit down, licorice invites me to his conversation with mushroom.
"We weren't talking about anything in particular, just speaking and seeing where the conversation went." Licorice looked almost...nervous, yet happy? It was definitely different from his normal demeanor, which was embarrassed and cold. He seemed as if he genuinely wanted to talk, and I, for one, wasn't going to say no.
"Oh? Well I would be delighted too!" I cock my head to the side, a small smile filling my face. As a minute passed, The room filled with silence...was...was I supposed to begin? I mean, we aren't exactly on any topic, so I guess it's fine! "Well, I guess I can start, so you said you enjoyed magic, any particular kind?" I look at Licorice, who's face was almost glowing once I brought magic up.
"Well, I don't have an exact 'type' of magic per say, mainly what will prove useful, though I have always been interested black magic..." licorice immediately replied. He seemed really excited to be able to talk his magic, he kept on going on and on, it was as if you could see a lively spark in his eyes while he was talking. It was nice to see him like this, though poison seemed a little ticked that they didn't get the chance to talk a bout their own magic yet. As the minutes passed, he gets even more excited, until he suddenly just...stops.
"...Oh- sorry, I kinda got ahead of myself!" Licorice had an embarrassed look on his face, as if he just realized how long he spent talking about his magic.
"NO NO NO! I actually enjoyed that a lot! I think it's genuinely impressive how much you know!" I look at licorice, who seems perplexed but honored that someone would like to hear him talk about his interests. He looks at me, and offers a small smile, and an adorable one at that.
"So, poison, have any interests?" I look at poison, as they had previously looked sad they couldn't speak.
"Heehee...bombs" poison closes their eyes, wearing a slightly devious grin, and as I look up to licorice, seeing if he heard the same reply that I heard , he seems to be wearing the same face.
Was this...premeditated?
As the minutes turn to hours, our conversation grows longer. night slowly arrives, and before I know it, poison leaves to his room, leaving just me and licorice. We both laugh and talk through the night, our bond growing stronger. He seems sweet, which definitely differed from when I first met him only a short while ago. He is very open, funny, and kind. He soon falls asleep, though I was wide awake due to my time resting earlier today. He looks at peace when he's asleep, so I go to his bed and pick up a small blanket, before setting it on his sleeping body. I sit next to him, letting my mind wander. I feel something in my heart, which I had felt only a few times before. It was a wonderful feeling...
A feeling of pure joy
Sorry for the slow paced chapters like I said in the beginning, I promise I will speed up the book a bit, partly because I don't want this book being 300 chapters by the time it's done!! And this chapter is kind of crappy, I will probably revise it later once I get a bit more time!!

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