The end(?)

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(So, for the sake of me not wanting to write it, let's say that licorice came back to the room after y/n and doesn't know about the red velvet interaction)
(Though really let's just say that he has spent his entire trip up to the room thinking how much trouble he could be in, and, if worse comes to worse, how he could protect y/n)

                         Y/N POV
Licorice had finally walked in, a solom expression on his face. His silence was deafening.

   "Hey,are you alright?" I follow him as he sits on his bed, his face still graced with that melancholy expression. Silence fills the dark room, well, until-

  "I don't know how much longer I can do this..." licorice quickly blurts out, his voice filled with a weird mix of sorrow and anger.

   "Hm?" I cocked my head to the side in confusion, though I had an idea of what this conversation could lead to.

   He has risked his entire career to keep me safe, he has the right to kick me out whenever.

   "I can't keep doing...this..." his voice trailed off, yet before I could agree, he chimed back in.

   "You have completely ruined everything for me, I can't do anything without worrying wether or not you are okay, I can't talk to the one person I trusted, because of you, I can't THINK, about anything, but you...yet I can't bring myself to be mad at you..."

   " matter how much I don't want to, I can't seem to not love you."

   I... don't know how to react. Although him liking me has crossed my mind a time or two, I didn't exactly expect that to happen.

"I..." what am I supposed to say? He is great, and he is kind, and he is amazing...and maybe I should...say yes.

"I am so sorry, I know I made this awkward, this isn't even what I want to say, god I'm an idiot, Icantevengetasimplepointacrossijusthadtogoandmakeitallaboutmegodwhyamilikethiswhy-" he was quickly mumbling under his breath, his words were barely words.

It's annoying if I'm being honest...

...Maybe I should shut him up myself...

I quickly, though gently, grab his face, and turn it towards me, resting it a few inches away from mine. I would've just kissed him, but this was already a little to direct for my liking, and besides, you wouldn't do anything he felt uncomfortable with...

"May I?" You softly ask, staring deeply at the flustered mess that has become licorice's face.

"I-" He stammered, though after the words seemingly registered in his mind, he then nodded, and with that, you pulled him closer.

Yet before your lips could connect, he quickly pulled away.

   "No, wait, this is not what I wanted." He turned to the ground, his voice, trembling.

   " to leave." He looked back up, his tear filled eyes gazing into mine. "I want you...but as much as I want you, I also want you to be safe...I can't provide that, no matter how much I want to..."

   "Licorice, it's alright, I-" I tried to reassure him, to convince him that it is okay, and that whatever it was couldn't be that big, but yet he again, he cut me off.

(Rather rude of him, isn't it!)

   "No, you can't do anything, I...she...won't allow it. She will hurt you, I can't have that, and I won't." He coyly looked back up at me. "...don't make this hard for me...please."

No matter how hard you try (Licorice cookie x reader)Where stories live. Discover now