Hahahahhahahah (p14)

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(Song is Pope is a rockstar by sales)
                        Y/N POV
As I turn through the pages of the old spell book on licorice's lap, my mind is filled with vivid images of the spells. As I read the worn down pages, I slowly repeat the spells to myself under my breath. As I flip through the pages, I stumble upon a familiar spell. It seemed like a healing spell, but why was it this familiar? How could I possibly know something like this...
            (Time back:???, pov: y/n)
I am sat on the floor, holding a small makeshift wand and a towel wrapped around my neck to look like a cape. The room was filled with posters and child like drawings of wizards, knights, kings, queens, and castles. Suddenly, a door opens, a person with a blurry face comes in and picks me up.
Why can't I-
I am picked up and spun around, before being pulled into a small hug.
"Hello my little wildflower!" The voice was a calm feminine voice,
"Hi mommy!" A young sounding voice replies...was that...me? " I made a new spell!"
"Oh really?" The blurry person,well, my mom, sets me down, and I realize just how much taller they are than me. "Well, then why don't you show me!"
"Okay! Sit down!" I lead the person to the bed, and make them sit as I search for some sort of wound. "Hmm... OH!" my eyes were drawn to a small bruise on the woman's arm, I set my small hands on it, and look up.
"Uh...f-flavorius...exemptus?" I leave my hand on the persons arm for another second, and when I lift my hand back up, the purplish spot starts to blend in with their normal skin tone. As I look up, I hear a small gasp.
"Good job darling!" The blurry person sets me on their lap, holding me close to their torso as they sing my praises. I let out a giggle, but...
Why can't I remember them...
Why does it hurt to look...
what is happening...
"I love you, do you know that?" I look up at the blurry face, it felt comforting but it tore me apart.
It was like a bittersweet memory...
One I don't want to think of again...
                        Y/N POV
I snap back to reality, I look up at licorice who seems concerned, but to afraid to say anything.
"I-" my eyes meet licorice's, though I quickly look down, "let's just continue reading."
Licorice looks as if he is about to say something, but he complies.
                  LICORICE POV
Y/n is hyperventilating.
As I look down to see what's wrong, I see them, staring off into space. They seem to be lost in a thought.
And a bad one at that.
I set my hand on their shoulder, hoping that it would grab their attention, yet when I do, nothing happens.
Heh, at least I'm not the only one who does that... NO! Not the time you idiot. Just make sure they're okay, okay?
As I go back and forth in my thoughts, it seems as if y/n has returned from theirs. We stare at each other for a minute, until they speak.
"I-" they pause for a second, before returning their eyes to the book. "Let's just continue reading..."
I look at them, I want to say something, but it's no use, so I just try to focus on the book. We stay silent for the next thirty minutes, the only interruptions being when y/n started to say the spells to their self, before catching themselves and stopping; but who am I to complain? I enjoy magic, and sitting with them! Though I would enjoy being able to have an active discussion instead of just...sitting...but! It's no big deal, as long as I get to enjoy this time!
"Licorice?" It was y/n, they seemed a little distressed.
"Hm?" I look down at them, but then follow their finger down to the page. Their finger seemed to be pointing at a multiplication spell...a classic.
"How would this work?" They stare at the page, then back at me, hoping for the answer. I adjust myself to be better aligned with the book, before beginning to explain. As I went on and on, y/n looked intrigued. Their eyes moved between me and the book, but as I finished up my explanation, their eyes light up, and they pop up.
"COULD WE TRY IT OUT?!" Their words were loud but filled with excitement. It was funny...that's not the word...it was different, their mannerisms often differed greatly. At times they were the most mature and caring person, yet at others, they would act almost careless, but still considerate. Their personality was charming, all sides of it.
"Oh- of course!" I slowly get up, putting the book in my arm, before setting it on my desk.
"So, where do we start?" Y/n was slowly rocking back and forth, as if they weren't about to die the other day.
"Well, this spell isn't to complex, so you don't have to worry about any particular stance!" This spell was one of the first I've ever perfected, yet it's been so long since I've needed to use it, I am kind of rusty, yet I continue on. y/n seems impressed, and soon enough, I get to the actual casting part. I try to clear my mind, as racing thoughts can affect your casting ability. As soon as I am prepared, I get the spell done as soon as possible, and it goes perfect.
"Wow, you're really good at this!" Y/n's eyes were filled with disbelief.
"Hm?" My face turned slightly red, but I tried to ignore it.
"You are really good at this! I mean, I should've expected that with how much you liked it, but still, that was extremely impressive!" They smiled at me, but I had turned around to hide my face.
"J-just do your spell." Goodness licorice, get you're act together.
Y/n lets out a small giggle, then turns and repeats the incantation.
"Shit." As I look around, I see that the small item I put in front of them hasn't multiplied. They try the spell again, then again, then-
"Here, maybe this will help." I set both of my hands on their shoulder, slowly massaging them.
"H-hey! How would that help." They stumbled over their words as they turn their head to face me.
"To help you relax, of course." As they look at me, I realized it was probably not the best idea, but they just turned their head back around.
After a minute of trying to focus, they whisper:
"Your hands are very warm."
After that, they let out a small laugh, then attempt to cast the spell. As I take a look, I see that...
"IT WORKED!" Y/n springs up from their slightly crouched position, affectively hitting me in the nose. They quickly turn around, their mouth covered with both of their hands. "Sorry!"
I spend a minute running my nose bridge, but then look up at them.
"Its okay..." I slightly sniff, trying to ignore the pain, but then look up with a smile. "...you did it!"
They cock their head to the side and smile at me. They are about to speak, when suddenly.
"You have been summoned."
Yay I got this out! (No apologies today people!) this was a fun chapter to write, but it was genuinely hard trying to come up with a spell sounding sentence, so yeah!

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