Haha licorice cookie got dumpy(p7)

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(Sorry for no update yesterday, I was busy! Also, song is HiP shop by toby fox (more delta rune, Ik, but most of my other songs werent fitting, but I swear, within a chapter or two, we'll get back to normal music)
I can't help but think...
This feels nice.
As me and poison work on the drawing, I periodically look back at licorice. He seems to be enjoying his music, and poison seems to be enjoying their playtime! After an hour or two, poison stands up, and hands me a small piece of paper, which looks like this:

 He seems to be enjoying his music, and poison seems to be enjoying their playtime! After an hour or two, poison stands up, and hands me a small piece of paper, which looks like this:

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"Awww! This is adorable!" I smile at poison, who looks very proud of their work. "Why don't you go show licorice your drawing?"
"Ookay!" Poison nods, before taking the paper out of my hands and walking away. As he walks, I turn behind me to see what happens. Poison quickly tugs licorice's robe to grab his attention. Licorice tugs his headphones off, and turns to the side of his bed.
"HE-hey buddy, what do you need?" Licorice was caught off guard with the initial tug, but as soon as he saw who it was, his tone quickly changed. Poison quickly hands licorice their work. As licorice picked it up to look at it, you could almost see a tear form at his eyes.
"Poison, d-did you make this?" Licorice was trying to hold back his feelings, but it was obvious that poisons artwork had moved licorice.
"Uh-huh!" Poison violently nodded his head. Licorice looked down at the paper, then back up, before speaking.
"Hey, let's hang this up! Where would you like it to go?" Licorice looked around at his walls, indicating that mushroom could put it anywhere. Poison stops to ponder, then points up to a spot near licorices desk. Licorice picks up poison, grabs a thumb tack from his desk drawer, and sets the picture against the walls.
"Here?" Licorice asks, holding the paper against the wall. Poison lets out a quick nod in response, before licorice puts them down as he quickly pushes the thumb tack into the wall. Licorice and poison both took a step back to admire the artwork, when suddenly, the door swings open.
"laundry drop off." It was red velvets voice, he walked in and dropped the basket near me.
"Thank you!" I give a small grin, but red velvet seems to be pulled to something else.
"Well, what do we have here?" Red velvet made his way over to poison, before kneeling to their height.
"Loook!" Poison pointed up to his drawing on the wall. Red follows poisons finger, looking up to the picture on the wall.
"Did you make this?" Red velvet enthusiastically asks. Poison gives a quick nod, before being picked up by red. "Good job little guy!" Red velvet squeezes and shakes poison, causing them to let out a small laugh. After a minute, Red puts poison down and says his goodbyes, making his way to the door, before looking behind him.
His eyes meets licorice's, they both share a similar disappointed look. I could almost tell what each were thinking. Red looked deeply disappointed in licorice. And licorice...
In himself.
Red velvet lets out a sigh before closing the door behind him.
"H-hey buddy, why don't you go back to y/n?" Licorice out on a sincere smile, yet he seemed hurt. Poison, oblivious of the current friction between licorice and red, nods their head, but not before giving licorice a big hug. Licorice seemed surprised at the gesture, but he hugged the child back, his face full of conflicting emotions. The child pulls out of the hug, slowly making their way to where I'm seated, leaving licorice alone. I can't help but feel sorry for him. Licorice truly seems like a great guy. It seems like he really cares for the people around him, especially poison. He seems... sweet? Not in a weird way, of course. He just seems like he- wait. why do I feel the need to justify this in my own head? I know my feelings. I don't need to explain them to myself! I don't need to justify them too myself!
Suddenly, i snap out of my daze.
"Heey friend... I'm tiired." It was poison, their eyes were half closed, and they sounded like they were about to yawn.
"Okay, we'll, you can go to your bed if you need, or you could slee-" I look down at poison, but they had already fallen asleep. I quickly chuckle, before pulling them up into a more comfortable position. Their head rested near my shoulder, as the rest of their body laid curled against my torso. As they slept, I started growing tired my self, until I started to doze off myself.
...only a small nap...
                 LICORICE POV
As I go to lay down, slowly slipping my headphones back on, my head is filled with a thousand different thoughts, yet all of them were basically the same thing:
Why am I so terrible
I know that it's the same thought I always come back to, yet I can't stop it.
Why am I so bad?
Why do I just hurt the ones I love?
why am I a plague to those around me?
Why do I just disappoint those around me?
Why am I so terrible...
SORRY FOR A SHORT CHAPTER AGAIN, I was busy yesterday and today and didn't have way too much time, my bad!!

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