Rest assured, Nishinoya saves the day

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"Will you hold still?!"

Kageyama sat crosslegged behind a very much still mad Hinata, slowly picking tiny twigs out of his feathers. Not even one of those wings could fit onto his lap, so Kageyama had to shift back and forth to reach every nook and cranny of those feathers.

Hinata would have liked it if it wouldn't have hurt so much.

"Any idea how to get you back?"
Hinata answered only curtly, still not in the mood to talk to the ravenette. The moment he felt the last twig plucked out of his wings, he turned and stood up, smacking Kageyama full force into his face with the pair of them, sending him flying onto the ground.
Kageyama let out a hilarious yelp and was just about to curse when his vision went dark. Hinata had settled on top of him, wings wrapping around both of them like a dark cocoon.

All Kageyama could hear was the soft breaths of the ginger on his chest, and the gentle rustling of leaves around him.

God fucking dammit.

"Get off of me..." Kageyama argued halfheartedly and Hinata snorted in return, "For someone as tall as you you're not putting up much of a fight."
"Are you insane, I'm not messing with something that has claws as sharp as birds."
Hinata made a noise he was certain meant something akin to "fuck you" and once again, silence fell over those two.

God these wings had quite some weight to them... Kageyama had forgotten that since quite a while.

Since he wasn't going to let another injury go onto his account, Kageyama just resigned himself to his current fate. And that was Hinata probably not letting go of him for a while.
It was kind of nice. Hinata smelled like the gentle scent of moss and forest, and all he could hear was the soft rustling of a warm breeze around him.

"...oe boke."
"Did you eat anything at all?"
Hinata shuffled a little on Kageyama, said one could feel his cheeks heating up in the process. Goddammit stop moving or get off, you boke!
"Nope. But I can go for days without food... That's something I never got about you. Why do you eat so often... That's so unhealthy."
"Says you."

Hinata let out a challenging thrill at Kageyama, grin audible in his voice.
"Yeah. You're all so wasteful."
"At least I'm not living like some hobo in a forest."
"I'd be at my dad's now if it wasn't for you making me crash-land, so shut up."
Tension arose once again and Kageyama drew a mental note to be less snappy towards the orange head. Who knows what would happen now again.
" gotta eat at some point. What do you usually eat?"
"Squirrels, smaller birds... I like bread, too. Dad makes good bread."
Kageyama stared into the black abyss that covered his eyes. What?

Another mental note, to not upset the chibi any longer. Beyond the resuming silence Kageyama could make out a different yet not unfamiliar sound, slowly becoming louder and inching closer.

It wasn't too long that his inner alarm bells kicked in. That was the exact same noise Hinata's wings made when he flew.
"Hinata-" Kageyama began but the large gust of wind coming at him from a landing creature cut him off right away.
"Hinata! There you are!" another familiar voice exclaimed before the feathery blindfold was lifted from him as the orange head jumped to his feet. His eyes needed a while to adjust to the golden sunrays from above, and yet Kageyama could make out clearly something or rather someone he knew awfully well.

"Nishinoya," he greeted, nodding at him. Said one let loose an alarmed thrill and took a step back.
"You creep, what are you doing here with Hinata?!"
"Me?! Hinata was the one not letting go of me!!"
"Haa?! Hinata has been missing since two days, and you're telling me that you're the victim here?!"
"Yes I am!! It's not my fault that idiot here doesn't know how to get home!!"
"I swear I'll- is he injured?! Did you do this?! I swear I'll fight you!!"
"Oh yeah?! Bring it!"

"Actually..." Hinata chimed in from the side and earned himself a deathglare from the two of them, together with an unisoned "Shut up!".
And so he did.
Kageyama was no match against Nishinoya, one tackle and he was already on the ground being held down by him. Goddammit. That guy had some strengh.
"What did you do to Hinata?!"
"Nishinoya!" Hinata tried once more, only to be ignored. Once again, this time louder.

The two boys flinched and stared at Hinata who was an adorable view, cheeks puffed and clearly sulking about the lack of attention.
"Listen, will you?! I landed stupid and injured myself. Kageyama just looked after me for a bit."
Silence. Kageyama could see Nishinoya turning a little pink, assessing the situation. Finally moving off of him. Rambling an apology.

Huffing, the setter stood back up and dusted himself off.
"Now that you have a babysitter, I'll head home. Kaa-san must be worried."
Kageyama was already worried, thoughts beyond and gone towards his mother. He hadn't even greeted her coming home, he had just yeeted his schoolbag into a corner before following Hinata's trail.
Kageyama didn't listen, he was already up and leaving. Maybe she made Sukiyaki for dinner? He was nearly able to taste it.

Nishinoya watched the setter stride out of the woods and turned to Hinata with a deadpan expression. Said one shrugged.
"Him, seriously. That's the guy you've been courting."
"You're courting a scaredy cat that runs away from you. You didn't even get to hug him like I did."
Nishinoya rolled his eyes and examined Hinata's wings. Good enough.

It was a child's play to pick Hinata up and fly him back towards his home, this time far from humanities' dangerous eyes. The moment Hinata's feet touched the ground of his village crowning the large surrounding trees, Hinata felt finally home again. His sister Natsu was flying at him, and he could already see his father approaching with pure relief on his face.
"You've been gone for so long, Onii-chan!"
"You're good, Shouyou? Oh dear, your feathers are all ruffled up... Let's go fix this."

Hinara couldn't help but detect the slightest hint of melancholy in his own emotions. He had enjoyed the bit of time he had been able to spend with Kageyama one on one...
Even though he was a prick.

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