Hunting Spirits

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Wings of black

Consuming, pitch black

Eternal darkness

Threatening to block out his sun forever

Asahi shot up with a scream, clutching his blanket. It took a hot second for him to calm his breathing, and to relax his nerves.
His heart was still hammering inside his chest as the realization hit him.

A nightmare.


Ever since he saw those wings, this giant creature above in the sky, blocking out the sun.

Ever since he fainted and woke up on his own doorstep.

Asahi swallowed down the lump in his throat, trembling softly.


"Yes dear?"

"What do the forest spirits look like?"

"Don't think about it, Asahi. The more you do the more the spirits will invade your mind."

"Kageyama... I'm... worried about him... Will he even survive? We're the only village nearby and... he is alone, inside the forest."

"Asahi." His mother's voice was stern, hinting no further room for discussion.

"We warned Kageyama. He chose to mingle with the spirits, he fell for their sweet promises and lies. There is no innocence beyond this village... Kageyama belongs to them now. Don't ask again."

Asahi squeezed his eyes shut, desperately trying to force back the tears. He had to talk to someone- anyone. But who would ever believe him that he was being stalked by something he could only beg wasn't the same thing that took Kageyama's soul.

He shuffled to turn on the lights and sit up from the bed, shaking his head. He had to get some water.

As Asahi looked out of his window, his heart stood still.

He could have sworn he saw Kageyama staring at his window from the forest across the road.


Kageyama marched on in silence, heart hammering inside his chest. He was alone, it was dark, he could barely see anything beyond the small glimmer the moon above gifted him.

The forest which had held so much warmth and love for him had turned into an icy grave.

Kageyama didn't even bother calling for Hinata- he doubted he would live so close to the village, he was probably deep within this forest that stretched on for miles and miles...

There was no chance Kageyama could find Hinata himself.

But what could he possibly do?

Kageyama'a feet came to a halt and he threw a glance back into the direction he had come from. The village lanterns had long since been snuffed from his eyesight.

There was nothing but pure darkness.

What if forest spirits were real?

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