Charms and Volleyball

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Kageyama rushed into the forest, barely forcing his schoolbag through as well which was plastered in charms. A small bird like thrill, together with a huge shadow moving between the trees alerted the boy.

"Oh, there you are! Hinata!"
Kageyama came to a screeching halt in front of the orange head and immediately opened his hands. Hinata's eyes began to sparkle.
Charms. More of them.
Kageyama was sick of carrying them around and Hinata seemed to like them. He just kept one of them for himself.
"I-I can have them? Really? All of them?"
"Go ahead."
Hinata took the charms with glee from Kageyama and sat down, lifting one of his wings into his lap to quietly tie one after another onto a feather. It was cute to watch, and Kageyama was happy to see Hinata liked them so much. But... what now?

"You're amazing!"
Kageyama was once again wrapped in fluffy feathers, able to hug Hinata back and he couldn't help but smile. He almost felt like the tables had turned, that he was paying Hinata now with gifts to be able to get hugs.
"You look exhausted. Are you okay?"
Hinata pulled away from the hug, eying Kageyama's dark rings under his eyes with somewhat of a frown.
"My... mom was praying with me all day, at the shrine. Someone... someone saw you and me, and told her."
Hinata paused for a second. He had been seen? That was... troublesome.

"Why were you praying, then?"
"They think you're a forest spirit. An evil one. They say... you're bad for me."
Hinata stared wordlessly back at Kageyama, clearly offended.
"Mh-hm. We... have to be careful. So no assaults on open streets anymore, boke."
If he thought about it that way, Kageyama wa surprised they hadn't been caught earlier.
Hinata plopped back down onto the moss and spread out his wings over the ground, seeming a little worried.
"Oof, I hope that's gonna be all there is to it. Dad would kill me if he'd find out I'm over here talking to humans."

Kageyama gave a wordless nod and plopped down next to him with a long sigh. He wanted to spend more time with Hinata, he did quite like the orange head when you looked past his dumb idiot self.
"Do you know how to play volleyball?"
"Play? You mean, as a game? Ohh I've never heard of that!! Teach me!!"
Kageyama couldn't help but look amused as he pulled his schoolbag onto his lap and took out his own volleyball. It was the one he used for training in his free time, and it was signed by a few players he adored.
"First we need some sort of clearance in the forest... do you know a somewhat open spot?"
"Sure do! Follow me!"

And Hinata got up, plopping himself onto his huge wings before slowly hopping and walking deeper into the forest. Kageyama followed excitedly-

Forgotten was his school day.


As Kageyama looked up into the sky and saw the sun right above them, he froze for a good second, allowing Hinata to smack the volleyball straight past him into the bushes.
"Why didn't you catch it?! Oe! Kageyama!!"
Kageyama flinched and turned to Hinata, somewhat pale.
"Hinata I have school today. Had school, today! What time is it?!"
He pulled out his phone, expression turning into fright. Oh his mother would kill him. And what excuse would he even tell her?! Oh sorry mom, I was playing volleyball with the forest spirits that you explicidly told me to stay away from, the entire day!
"Time?" Hinata asked with a somewhat curious expression. "2pm" came the absentminded reply, but that only confused the young bird more.

"What is... pm?"

Kageyama looked up at Hinata, for a moment forgetting his panic. Did they not have a clock system?
"Pm means past midday. Why do you not know that?"
"Oh. And what does the 2 have to do with that?"
Kageyama only stared more.
"Well how do you determine when to go home? Or when to do stuff?"
Hinata propped himself up onto his wings once more, lifting his feet a bit off the ground. For some reason he looked more comfortable halfwalking on his wings than using his legs too much.
"I do stuff when I feel like it. And I come home when the sun goes down. Sometimes the elders teach me a bit of stuff. Like where to find easy prey and how to hunt and stuff. And dad likes to show me some of his medicine making. Once a week I have to go hunting with the adults to do my part, but other than that..."

Kageyama was a bit jealous, but he chose not to say anything. Doing what he wanted, the entire day, every day, that did sound amazing.
"F-fine fine, but the point is, I am late and I skipped so many lessons- AND the morning practice! Daichi-san won't be happy at all."

Hinata let out a soft and somewhat guilty sounding chirp, ducking his head a little. He did distract Kageyama the entire day, after all. Said one paused when he saw Hinata doing that... he didn't like him looking so sad.
"Ah... I-I'll find a solution. I just have no idea how to explain this to my mother..."
Hinata thought for a moment.
"Tell her you saved and took care of a wounded animal! I tell that lie a lot!"
Kageyama stared doubtfully at Hinata but what else option did he have right now? With a scowl on his face, annoyed at himself, he went to fetch his ball and shoulder his backpack.
"I'm off, boke. I'll have to catch at least afternoon practice."

Hinata waved happily after Kageyama as the setter disappeared into the forest, then looked down at himself. Then around the area. He wanted to continue playing, but there was nothing he had that would come in any way close to a ball.
He had to make one, but one that was just as bouncy as Kageyama's. Or he could ask Kageyama nicely if he could get him one of those as well! Gosh darnit he could have asked him now.

A little frustrated, Hinata flashed a glance into the direction Kageyama had disappeared into. Sometimes he hated how much his brain was all over the place.

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