Well Needed Support

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Asahi sat on the sandy path across of the forest, staring into shadowy mess of leaves and trees. Was he waiting for something? Probably nothing, since whatever that thing was that had been following him hadn't shown up for a while.

"Oe Asahi!"
The boy whipped his head around, seeing Sugawara wave at him with a gentle smile. He had a backpack with him, and was wearing good sturdy hiking boots.
"Suga? What are you doing out here?"
"I could ask you the same question." The setter shifted a little, adjusting the backpack over his shoulder.
"Kaa-san asked me to collect a few herbs for her apothecary. What's your reason?"
Asahi shrugged, turning to look back into the forest.
"A-actually, I'm... I don't know. I just felt like some peace and quiet."
"Peace and quiet, hm?" Suga followed his glance into the woods. He hadn't forgotten what Tanaka had thrown in last day, that Asahi might be just as tarnished as Kageyama was, yet unlike the black haired setter refused to give in.

If he is favored by the forest spirits just like Kageyama, maybe he could help me out a bit. People favored by the gods were lucky at times, after all.

"How about you join me? I know where to get the good stuff, and I'll treat you to meatbuns afterwards. Two pairs of eyes see more than just one~"
Asahi looked back up at Suga, uncertain. He wanted him to come along into the forest? Actually, that was a good idea. Maybe he could catch a glympse of the forest beasts again.
"I... guess you're right. And having someone with you is better in case you come across a wild animal."
"God beware we run into a bear..."
"D-don't mention bears." Asahi shuddered, memories still fresh in mind.

But with a cool breeze blowing across the path, inviting the two boys to the forest, together with the warm sunshine guiding their way, Asahi felt like he could use a bit of exercise.
"Let's go then."
Suga held out his hand and the ace raised himself, before both left the path and hopped over the small river to enter the forest.
Birds were chirping, Asahi spotted a squirrel hopping from branch to branch, and Suga was excitedly collecting mushrooms, flowers and herbs.

Suga picked up a red flower, turning to face him with a soft smile.
"You know, I-..."
Asahi quirked an eyebrow, expecting the setter to continue, yet found him lacking a response. Was Suga doing alright?
"I..." Suga began once again, then took a sharp inhale. "I don't care what the elders say. Kageyama... was not tainted or cursed. If the spirits favor him, that should be a good thing. It means he is more in tune with them than others like me, even tho I wish I would be."

Suga gently twirled the flower in his hand, gazing over the lush plants and other flora around them stretching on for miles and miles.
"The forest and its spirits is nothing to be scared of. To be honest... I envy you."
Asahi, who had kept quiet the entire time, perked up just the slightest bit confused.
"Asahi, come on. You know you can trust me. And... what the elders described was around Kageyama, it... it eerily resembles what you've been telling us haunts you, too."

Asahi swallowed. He had begged nobody would notice the connections, draw the lines and follow them back to him.
"Suga please-"
The setter shot him a gently smile, nudging his arm.
"I'm not telling on you. I made sure the other club members keep quiet, too. But... the parallels are uncanny at this point. I'm not saying you should venture in here all by yourself and possibly be snatched by the spirits if they are in a too playful mood. All I'm saying is... Don't keep running away, face them. And what they want of you."

Asahi only gave him a quiet nod before pulling Suga into his arms for a tight hug. The setter laughed, immediately wrapping his arms around the ace.
"I'm here for you. You're not alone in this."
"S-Suga, you... you have no idea how much this means to me. I want to find out. I really want to find out but all I remember about it was the giant black wings that casted a shadow over me."
Suga patted his back, before handing Asahi the red flower he had picked up prior.
"Who knows~ The spirits aren't only known for mischief."

Asahi let out a halfhearted laugh and took the flower from Suga to put into his chest pocket.
"Thanks for everything, Suga. I haven't really been myself in a while."
"We're all here for you. So negativity begone!"
Suga jabbed him into his side, causing Asahi to laugh and wince at the same time. Gosh Suga. Asahi truly wondered what he would possibly do without him. But he was right. He should face the spirits again, try to lure them out.

And while he had a fun time accompanying Suga on his mission to collect plants, Asahi could finally let go of his worries for once.


Kageyama felt rather cozy, waking up snuggled within Hinata's feathers. Looking around, Hinata's family was already gone, probably out and about working within the village.
With his stomach complaining loudly at this point, he heard Hinata giggle next to him.
"You're hungry~!"
"So are you!"
Kageyama leaned over to poke accusingly the tip of Hinata's nose, causing a soft sneeze.
"Ew don't sneeze on me!"
"T-then don't poke me!"

Kageyama rolled onto his back, only to grimace as Hinata flapped his wings a little to be able to get up properly. Gone was his warm blanket.
"...do we have to get up...?"
"Eh, we're hungry or not?? We gotta get food!"
Kageyama sat up slowly, still half asleep. That was too much energy for him in the morning. Hinata crawled over to a few woven baskets and propped one open, only to pull out a few persimmons.
"Meat's for dinner if we catch anything."
He held out a few to Kageyama, who hungrily bit into the first one.

"I'm a bit sad, you know?" Hinata suddenly began, still chewing, "I brought you so many things and now they're all gone."
"Boke, they're not gone..." Kageyama murmured, somewhat embarrassed to admit. It did feel embarrassing to tell Hinata he had kept every single thing he had given him over the past couple of months.

The orange head grinned and with a swift movement, wrapping his wings around the two of them in a soft and dark cocoon.
"W-why do you keep doing this, boke?!"
"It's cute w-when you get all blushy and embarrassed~" Hinata teased, only to feel himself be pushed onto his back, wings losing grip of Kageyama.
The setter stared down at him, somewhat sulking.
"I'm not blushing, watch it boke!!"

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