How to catch a Spirit

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Me when I write the first kiss of the main couple in a good scene I'm proud of and there is zero comments even after two days

Me when I write the first kiss of the main couple in a good scene I'm proud of and there is zero comments even after two days

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Lmao I felt like a meme so have one.

Onto the new chapter!!


"What do you mean, Tobio is alive?"

Shrugging, they lower their head. Can't exactly spill who told them about it, can they?
"Can't we have him come back...? I'm sure he's fine. What if the spirits are good ones?"
They paused, searching for more arguments, before looking up again.
"What if we enraged the spirits by banishing their favorite? It could have unforseen consequences- our harvest could be ruined, our villages could be struck by disease, there are endless possibilities."

"Hmm..." the old man closed his eyes for a moment, scratching his beard. They did have a point.
"So far, nothing has happened yet." He finally said, looking back down at them.
"The elder council believes it has been the right decision. We will consider your request if anything ever happens- yet these spirits could only mean a bad omen for us. Misfortune, a bad harvest... the elder council agrees in unison that banishing Kageyama Tobio was the right choice and we will act at once if there is anybody discovered to be interacting with the spirits. You are dismissed."
They breathed out a soft sigh before turning on their heel and stepping out of the village's meeting hall. They tried their best.

They couldn't exactly tell any more without spilling the beans on current events.

Tsukishima who had met a winged child.

Azumane whose demons resemble the spirits all too well.

Kageyama who has been confirmed alive.

The spirits were invading the village bit by bit and yet, it couldn't be such a bad thing. And while the children were snatched away bit by bit, corrupted to form a bond to the deities residing within the forest, they refuse to believe intended malice behind all this.

Opening their bag, they pull out a huge white feather. It was in no way belonging to any possible species of bird nearby, that much they knew.
They had found it deep within the forest, when they had gone out to search for Kageyama. They were not leaving anybody behind, not this time or ever, and even if they had trouble communicating or being brave enough to talk much- they were not going to let this stand.

They twirled the feather once more inside their hands. It was still just as soft and beautiful as the first day they had found it.
One day, they would find the spirit it belonged to-

Tanaka sprinted up with a gasp, coming to a screeching stop, cutting their thoughts short.
"Your bag looks heavy!! Lemme carry it for you!!"
Kiyoko shook her head immediately and pulled her bag close to her chest, glasses shining in the sun, trying to hide the feather behind it.
"No thanks."
"Aw come on, let me help, you had a tough day and I need some muscle training-"
Tanaka paused, eyes stopping straight at the white feather peeking out from behind her bag.
"What's that?"

Kiyoko froze immediately, face turning distant as she let the feather disappear into the bag.
Tanaka crossed his arms. Oh that was absolutely not the answer that would cause him to back off- he was Tanaka, after all.
"Kiyoko... Why don't you trust me?"
Kiyoko opened her mouth to reply but found herself lacking the argument. Truth to be told, she found Tanaka a bit brutish at times and it did make her nervous from time to time, but in moments like these when he actually seemed to care she didn't exactly know what her own opinion about him was anymore.

Slowly, she pulled out the soft feather again, holding it close to her chest.
"I... don't want the elders to continue this madness... I-I can't imagine..." She swallowed, taking a soft inhale to continue.
"I can't imagine something carrying those beautiful feathers could bring misfortune over us."
Tanaka's eyes began to sparkle as he saw the feather in its full glory. Glistening in the sunlight, huge and soft, no wonder Kiyoko was trying to hide it.

"I agree. I ain't all on board with the spirit stuff but I ain't letting anybody hurt my friends. And Kageyama's been banished just for making friends with a spirit, how stupid is that?!"
Kiyoko could feel herself nodding along. Finally, Tanaka slammed his fist into his palm, grasping a plan.
"I got a plan. Let's get into the forest tomorrow. We can try to catch one of em- and search for Kageyama at the same time."
"I-I'm not sure I want to 'catch' a deity..."
"Not 'catch' as in harm! But we gotta pin one of 'em down at some point, we need answers. C'mon Kiyoko, give yourself a push, I could need a teammate."

Tanaka held out his hand and Kiyoko fought herself for a moment. Was she really about to do this? But she had always advocated for her team, and Karasuno volleyball club was part of her the same way her track running was part of her. And... Kageyama belonged to this, too. And Asahi. And if she was being honest, Kiyoko was pretty much sick at this point tapping in the dark like this.
She reached out and shook Tanaka's hand, who immediately made the happiest face she had ever seen him make.
"Let's meet tomorrow at the edge of the forest. We'll get ourselves some answers, if the elders ain't gonna help us!"



Well if that wasn't a voice he was vaguely familiar with. But where was it coming from? Asahi looked left and right; no one in sight.
That was the moment he noticed a shadow casted over himself, only seconds before he was tackled into a tight hug by an overly excited Nishinoya who had flown at him full speed.
Asahi could suppress his scream in the last second as he stumbled back, having caught Nishinoya in his arms.

Said bird adjusted his wings with a few little flaps, then grinned up at Asahi.
"I caught you."
Asahi looked back down at him with a more than dumbfounded face.

Technically, I caught him.

"A-aren't you scared someone's nearby...?" Asahi whispered, turning to look around, only for Nishinoya to look around immediately.
"Nope! I checked!"
"W-what do you mean, you checked?! Since when have you been following me?!"
Nishinoya shrugged, flashing a glance into the sun's direction.
"Since... A few inches of sun rotation? A bit longer."

Asahi slowly turned bright red. He must have looked stupid, so deep in thought that he hadn't even noticed Nishinoya above him.
"A-anyway," he awkwardly tried to change the topic, " why are you here?"
Nishinoya looked up with oh so pure and innocent eyes, voice as confident as ever.

"Well I am courting you now!"
"E-excuse me?"
"'What are we gonna do?' I hear you asking and I know the perfect thing to do!"
"Come on come on Asahi!!"
And Asahi watched himself swept away off the secure path to his village and deep into the forest.

God dammit. He had been so close to home.
He had almost made it.

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