Extreme Courting, Nishinoya Style

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"Excuse me?" Nishinoya flatly stated, stunned. Well that was not what he expected Asahi to say.
"A-ah, I mean, I-" Asahi stammered, immediately avoiding his eyes- damn that flower over there was pretty interesting. "I-I'm sorry, I don't- I-I just didn't expect..."

Asahi trailed off, and Nishinoya slowly tilted his head.
"I-I'm gonna be honest with you here, I did not expect that to be the first thing you tell me." the bird stated, somewhat sheepish now. It felt weird to Nishinoya, being embarrassed by ANYTHING, and yet, here he was, flustered by some human.
"I-I'm sorry." Asahi blurted out again, then finally took a deep breath to gather himself. Head lifting once more, he eyed Nishinoya from head to toe.
"So... It was you. All this time."

Nishinoya just gave a quiet nod.

"Why were you following me? I-I... I was terrified, you know?! I-..."
Nishinoya's face relaxed to expressionless. His left wing fluttered a little, slowly kicking up a bit of sand as he stretched it out towards Asahi, gently wrapping around his shoulder.
"...I'm sorry."
And it sounded to genuine, so confident, Asahi fell silent almost immediately.

And those wings that had threatened to block out his sun, were now resting on his shoulders, warming him and shielding him and comforting him from all his fears.

Asahi shakily inhaled, trying to compose himself again. Nishinoya let him be, keeping his silence and allowing the ace to try and gather himself.
"What... what are you?" Asahi finally asked, rather careful. There was still the chance that Nishinoya was somehow dangerous to him.
"Not human. I heard your people call us spirits, but I don't think that's true."
"And... why are you following me? So much?"

Nishinoya shrugged, wing around Asahi moving along.
"I saw you, and I like you. I think you're fascinating. And I want to court you, but you always ran away."
Asahi paused, blinking twice. Slowly, his face turned bright red.
"E-excuse me?!" he sputtered, taking a step back.
"I like you, Asahi-san. I want to court you. I just... don't know how you humans handle or do this, we do this more straight forward."
"N-Nishinoya, I'm sorry, but I've just met you and you're- y-you're, well, not human!"
"Well then we get to know each other. Easy peasy."

And with Asahi backing a step away, Nishinoya jerked his wing around Asahi's shoulders a little and pulled him closer against him. It was weird for the ace. More than weird. And he was flustered.
"N-Nishinoya, please, I-"
"Haha, you're cute. Asahi-san, I wanna prove myself. I'm a good mate, I swear."
Asahi stared down at Nishinoya, heart pounding to the nines. What the fuck was going on here. One moment he was terrified for his life, thinking he was going to be snatched by the spirits, and in some way this was exactly what was happening right now- He was just completely overwhelmed.

"L-look, if I agree to hang out with you from time to time, will you let me leave? I need to get home, I have homework and-"
"You will?! Then that's a deal, Asahi-san!"
Nishinoya pulled Asahi even closer with his wing, now wrapping both of them around the ace, completely blacking out his surroundings with those gentle feathers.

Asahi could feel the soft touch of a pair of lips on his own, before his veil was abruptly lifted by Nishinoya taking off into the sky above, whirling up a bunch of sand along with him.

Flabberghasted and embarrassed to the core, Asahi slowly reached up to touch his lips. He could still feel Nishinoya's on his own. It only took a mere second before it registered to the ace what just happened, and the boy crouched down with an embarrassed whine, hugging his knees.
"W-what the hell..." he muttered, shaking his head. Gosh, get your composure Asahi...!

It took quite a while for Asahi to feel calm enough to keep on moving into the village, all the while his thoughts were running wild. Was that why Kageyama was spending time with the spirits?

He was being... courted?

Asahi could feel his face turning red again. He did not expect this to happen in the slightest. But Nishinoya did say he was not a spirit. So Kageyama's beast probably wasn't a spirit, either. Was it another one of those... what could he even call them? Certainly not human.

Winged children?

Asahi chuckled to himself, he liked that name. He thought about proposing it to Nishinoya, only to shake his head immediately to get rid of that thought. Goshdarnit why was he already thinking of meeting Nishinoya?!

"Hey, Asahi! How did it go? I'm so curious, I- Asahi?"
Suga was walking next to him by now and the ace hadn't even noticed until he had greeted him.
"A-ah, Suga...!" he exclaimed louder than intended, clearly nervous, and the silver head just let out a soft snicker.
"What happened, Asahi? Come on, spill the beans."

Asahi hesitated a moment, then spoke up in a rather confused tone.
"Apparantly, it's... not a spirit. It-... well he looks like a boy with the biggest pair of wings I have ever seen. And he has a few feathers over his skin. But... it's a boy. And he spoke to me. S-Suga, he spoke to me."
The setter just stared at Asahi, dumbfounded.
"You're joking."
"I'm not. He said he's aware we call him a spirit, and he also said he's not a spirit. But he's not human either."
Suga's eyes were sparkling at this point. Finally, he gently bumped Asahi's shoulder and laughed.
"I am so jealous. I wish I would have seen him. And what else did he say?"
"Well... he said he finds me fascinating."

Asahi was clearly unwilling to say more, and Suga knew that. Yet he decided to respect his decision and refused to drill further.
"If they don't have any name to call themselves by, what are you gonna call him?"
Asahi let out a soft chuckle.
"I've decided on Winged Children. I think it's cute and fits this hyper something."
"Winged Children, huh?"

Suga trailed off, slowly falling into his own thoughts. Gosh he was jealous. And Asahi sounded like he was truly fascinated of that person, too. He wished he would see one of them as well, but Suga knew the same way that he hadn't taken the interest of any of the birds. A pity- yet he hoped Asahi would deepen the friendship enough for him to be able to meet this not-spirit one day.

He did wonder tho.

Where was Kageyama if these were not the spirits elders had accused them to be?

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