Volleyball Game

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"What is... volleyball...?"
Nishinoya was staring at the two boys across of him, clearly unimpressed. Kageyama slowly held up a ball.
"It's really fun Nishinoya! You should try it. We want to play with the other humans- Asahi-san invited us!"
"Asahi-san you say...?"

Nishinoya was more than sceptical until Hinata mentioned Asahi. Well that did change up things. And if that team of Kageyama's really was that trustworthy, he had no issues with it.
"I suppose that's gonna be a secret then."
"Duh...! Do you want to be grounded?!"
"Absolutely not."

The more they talked about it, the more excited Nishinoya was. He was looking forward to it.


"Impressive," Tsukishima stated, pushing up his glasses. This comment was directed to Nishinoya's and Hinata's wings, which everyone of the team seemed to marvel at.
"Yet quite a nuisance on the ground I assume."
Hinata grumbled a little.
"Wanna fight??"
"You're too short to fight people."
Hinata whirled a cloud of sand with his left wing towards Tsukishima, who took it unfazed. Afterwards he just removed his glasses and cleaned them off before puttin them back onto his nose.

"Tsukishima..." Daichi warned before bowing to Nishinoya and Hinata.
"I'm Sawamuri Daichi, captain of the team. That's Sugawara Koushi-"
"Call me Suga please~ Hinata, your little sister is adorable."
"T-thanks..." Suga was almost making Hinata feel a little embarrassed, if he was being honest.
"-You've met Tsukishima, and this is Yamaguchi."
While Tsukishima let out a quiet 'Tch' Yamaguchi bowed happily to Hinata.
"Hi! It's nice to meet you! You're not so scary up close!"
"I-I'm scary?"
Kageyama couldn't help but jab a little at Hinata, this was just too perfect.
"You're too small to be scary."
Hinata propped himself up on his wings instead of his legs and promptly became taller than Kageyama, who shrugged with an air of innocence around him.
"-and this here is Tanaka."

Tanaka's lips curled up into a huge shark grin as he pointed at Nishinoya.
Nishinoya raised one eyebrow.
"You've been chasing Asahi haven't you!!"
"Yeah? Got a problem with that?"
Nishinoya was ready to fight at this point but Tanaka's response evaporated any anger out of him and left him dumbfounded.
"Ayyyy I respect that approach!! Admiring from afar!! I like you Noya-san!!"
Asahi was turning a little red at this point and desperately tried to return the attention onto the topic at hand.
"C-come on everyone we've been waiting to play!! Go easy on them, Nishinoya hasn't played at all and Hinata's wings are a bit impractical on the ground."

Tanaka's fist shot into the air as he cheered along with all the others.

Why didn't Kiyoko want to come? She was looking forward to seeing the spirits.

Tanaka was honestly curious what could keep her away.

During a small break, he approached Nishinoya and sat next to him.
"Oe Noya-san."
"Say you've all got black feathers. Our manager's been finding a white one. Know anybody with white feathers?"
Nishinoya blinked twice, then shook his head adamantly.
"We've all got black feathers, some of us have a few specks of yellow in there but that's it. I've never seen anybody with white ones. They don't exist where I'm from."

Tanaka nodded along, then grumbled a little.
"Wish I coulda known where the dang feather's from..."
"Can't help ya."
Nishinoya nudged Tanaka a little, grinning at him.
"Ready for the next round?"
"Hell yeah!!"


Kiyoko was idly sitting in front of the net, staring into it as if it had the answer she had been seeking. It had to come by at some point, right?

It wasn't until something brushed against her hair that she let out a shriek and scrambled away, only to stare at a white and glistening feather where she had previously sat. It looked like it had fallen from above onto her and brushed against her head.

Where did it come from?!

Kiyoko looked around, trying to make out something and yet, the sky was clear, there was nothing within the tree crowns around her and between the trees was nothing either.
She was all alone.


Kiyoko hesitated. She had noticed only now that the birds around her had stopped singing. It had become eerily quiet beyond the noise of a gentle breeze flowing along the road, whirling up a few bits of sand.

"Hello...?" she asked into nothingness and received no answer. Kiyoko felt watched, like something was staring into her soul, but there was nothing around her.
It unsettled her.
"Show yourself!!"

Kiyoko took a deep breath. It wouldn't do her well to lose her focus. Inhale exhale. She was fine. The spirits were kind, she just had to stay calm.
Kiyoko sat back down where she had previously been relaxing and rested the new feather on her lap. She was almost meditating...

Slowly, she could hear the birds start to sing again, and the feeling of being watched passed without any further incidents. Kiyoko opened her eyes and stared at the feather in her lap, deep in thought.
"What just happened..."
It almost felt like an out of this world experience.

She got up and shouldered her bag, taking another deep breath. She had spent so much time here- she did want to see her team play after all, even if she couldn't join the beginning, and Tanaka had been kind enough to tell her where it took place.

She just had to make it there in time- a piece of cake for her, a former track running star of her school.

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