Can't have Peaceful Mornings

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It had taken a while, but once Kiyoko and Tanaka had met up, their plan was in motion. The manager of their volleyball team had taken the time and tied together a large net made of the village's handmade ropes.

Heavy enough to weigh something down that could potentially fly off, the holes within large enough so it wouldn't mess up any feathers and Kiyoko would swear on its sturdyness.
"Kiyoko I'm here!" Tanaka shouted, waving frantically from behind a tree. She had come with her prized possession to try and set it up within the forest, with Tanaka's help obviously.
Kiyoko jumped over the small river with ease, right into Tanaka's arms who had caught her just fine.
"There ya go."
Both gave each other a nod before disappearing into the forest.
"Do you have an idea where to set it up...?" Kiyoko asked, looking around somewhat lost. Tanaka nodded immediately.
"Uh-huh. Asahi, Tsukishima and Kageyama always bumped into those things right on the same road. They must have been watching them from the forest before deciding to come out."
Kiyoko paused, a little surprised. That was... oddly calculated of Tanaka. In all honesty, she did not expect that.
"So we best set it up near the road?"
"Yep. We need a spot where you could watch the street but still remain somewhat hidden."
"Guessing how large the spirits seem to be, I don't think we should set it up in the underroot then."

Both of them wandered for a while, always keeping an eye to their surroundings and the road. There had to be a good spot around here.
Finally, Tanaka gasped and did a fullstop.
"Here. Exactly here! This is perfect."
Kiyoko took a glance at the road, then gave an agreeing smile. Yeah that did look like a good place.
"Gimme the net."
Tanaka climbed up the tree with ease, slowly tying the rope around the trunk and fixing up their trap.
"Where did you even find that feather, Kiyoko?"
The girl paused and turned left and right to verify where exactly they were, before looking back up at Tanaka.
"I think a few hundred meters deeper in the forest."
"Ha. Who knows, maybe we'll catch your spirit~"
"Please don't call them my spirit... They never chose me, other than the three boys. I've... never been visited."
"You wanna be?"
Kiyoko stumbled a little over her words, cheeks turning a soft shade of pink.
"I'd... like that, yes..."

Tanaka couldn't help but melt a little on the tree as he watched her. She was so beautiful in his eyes- and not only in his, the entire team seemed to agree.

"Alright! Should hold tight!!"
"So how does it work exactly?"
"We'll cover this up with leaves," Tanaka began, landing on his feet with a soft huff, before pointing up.
"If there's any large thing stepping on that rope it's gonna rain down on 'em, and the weights should trap that thing just fine."
"I say we check this trap before and after school, and again in the evening."
Kiyoko looked down at the trip wire, somewhat worried.
"I wouldn't really like anything to be trapped in there too long without food or water..."
"Aye aye ma'am!" Tanaka saluted to her, then barked out another laugh. "I can take mornings, I always take a jog before getting ready."

And thus, an agreement was made. Kiyoko still wasn't quite sure about this and yet, it was done and ready to be stepped into.

She could only hope it would work. Both of them needed answers.


"Asahi, good morning," Daichi greeted his friend with a warm smile, only to receive a similar greeting with Asahi patting his back.
"Good morning."
"Aren't you weirdly cheerful today?"
Asahi let out an awkward laugh, the knowing glance of Sugawara across the hall on him.
"Y-yeah. I had a good morning, that's all."
Finally, Suga took this as his cue to join the two of them, an innocent smile on his lips.
"Oh I believe I know what's going on~"
"Suga don't you dare."

The setter started laughing, raising both of his hands. "I surrender, I surrender!"
Daichi looked back and forth between them, raising one eyebrow. Well if that didn't scream 'I have secrets' what exactly does?
"You're a weird bunch today..."
Daichi paused, then grinned.
"We have a practice match in the afternoon, so be on your best behavior."

It wasn't until long into the training before a childlike voice was heard from the entrance.
Everyone paused, eyes darting over to the entrance. A small girl, unruly orange hair, soft and frightened eyes, hands clinging to the heavy door. She was a little scared seeing all those people, half behind the door half peeking into the gym.

Tsukishima turned around before his face went white. Immediately he ran up to the girl, taking off his black Karasuno jersey on the way.
"Natsu...! What are you doing here, it's dangerous- Are you alone?"
The girl immediately began to smile as she saw Tsukishima, lifting her arms happily.
The boy didn't hesitate; immediately he wrapped his jacket around her to hide her wings before lifting her up. He was begging nobody had seen her on the way here- but it was early morning after all.

"Tsukki, what's the girl doing here?" Yamaguchi asked, joining the two of them. Tsukishima just carried her into the gym and closed the door behind them.
"Your little sister?" Suga asked amused, and Tsukishima wordlessly shook his head. Now that nobody dangerous was nearby, he took off the jacket and Natsu's baby wings unfolded with a soft flap.


Then Suga dropped his volleyball.

"S-spirit." Daichi exclaimed, face white as a ghost, and Natsu shyly shook her head.
"Not spirit! I'm a Hinata!"
Tsukishima breathed out a deep sigh and stared down at her, visibly upset.
"Why are you here? Where are your parents? Natsu we already discussed you visiting people like us is not a good idea."
"Kaa-san said I can go play!"
"Did Kaa-san say 'go play with the humans'??"
Tsukishima pinched the bridge of his nose, exasperated. What on earth was he going to do with her now. Especially now, when they were at school!

In this entire gym, Asahi was the only one who seemed unfazed. With a warm smile to appear friendly, he approached the two of them and crouched down to make himself smaller.
"Hey there."
Natsu's wings fluttered a little as she buried herself a bit in Tsukishima's chest, visibly nervous with so many humans around.
Asahi hesitated.
"Natsu is your name, right? Say... do you know Nishinoya?"

Immediately the little girl perked up a little.
"Nishinoya's my big brothers best friend!!"
Asahi couldn't help but smile. This girl was from the same place Nishinoya was from, the same village, and she knew him. Suga finally released a breath he did not remember holding in before letting out a soft mesmerized "Awwwwwww..."
He picked up the dropped volleyball again, hugging it to contain his excitement.
"She is so adorable....!!"

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