Lost in the Forest

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Kageyama's eyes fluttered open to come face to face with a gigantic thing right in front of him. Eyes growing wide, he let out a scream and backed further against the tree he had been curled up against, startling the being in front of him in return.

"H-holy shit!!"


Kageyama knew this voice.

And after his heart rate calmed down just the slightest bit, he sat up straight.
The half bird was simply frowning at him like he usually did, not saying a word. That was nothing new to him.

If he was honest, Kageyama was more than happy to see Nishinoya. To see any somewhat friendly face.
"Where is Hinata?"
Nishinoya quirked one eyebrow at him, proceeding to cross his arms. Obviously unwilling to answer him on that.
"What are you doing here, creep?"
"Stop calling me that, I'm not a creep!! Boke!!"
Kageyama hated it, why was Nishinoya always so hostile to him?!

"Asahi-san didn't go to school today and he isn't sick either. What did you do?!"
"Haa?! What am I supposed to have done about that?!"
"You were following him again, admit it!!"
"I'm going to follow up on beating your ass if you don't shut up!!"
"Try me creep!!"
Nishinoya puffed out his wings to full size to look taller than he was, and raised his sharp claws. Kageyama stood there for a second, still huffed and puffed in anger, but he could feel himself slowly deflating.

What was he even doing here?

Nishinoya's angry expression turned a little softer in return. Well that was quite a lack of fight coming from that human in front of him.
"Come on! Come at me! I'm waiting!"
Taunting him, Nishinoya let out a soft thrill out of his throat. Kageyama didn't move.
"...I don't want to."
"What, scared you're gonna get beaten up?! Then leave Asahi-san alone, you hear me?!"
Kageyama could feel the memories of last night coming up again. The distant cold expressions of the village elders, his mother unable to look him in the eye- Asahi, staring at him, watching him be banned into the forest.
Kageyama clutched his bag to his chest.

"Oe... Oe what's wrong? Why are you crying? Stop that, I- Why are you crying?!"
Nishinoya's anger was gone in a breeze, replaced by mild panic. He did not expect that in the slightest. Letting out another distressed thrill, Nishinoya shifted from one leg to another, before slowly reaching out with one of his wings to wrap it around Kageyama's body, trying to become some sort of comfort.
Kageyama didn't fight it. He actually felt that he needed that.

Nishinoya's feathers were far rougher than Hinatas, slick and not very well groomed. Clearly in use a lot of times, clearly used to being dragged over the ground a lot of times. But that made Nishinoya so much more alive to him as well.
Kageyama swallowed his tears as fast as he could, avoiding to look Nishinoya in the eye.
"I-I'm lost," Kageyama finally muttered, voice barely audible.

"L-lost? That's all? That's nothing to cry about! See, see, village is over there. Just walk straight into that direction. Should take you like only a bit to get there."
Nishinoya was gently moving up and down on his heels, seeming somewhat antsy.
"Problem solved! Just that direction!"
Slinking his wing away from Kageyama, he merely pointed into the direction Kageyama vaguely remembered coming from last night. Clearly expecting Kageyama to move, Nishinoya grew a little awkward. Why wasn't he moving?

"I can't go there." Kageyama finally stated.

"It's not that thick you know? If I can get through with those wings you can get through with your bag."

"I can't go there." Kageyama stated again, this time more firm.

"Well why not?! It's dangerous in the forest."

Silence. Kageyama didn't want to talk about it. How else could he explain to someone like Nishinoya who resented him from the beginning that his own village banished him? He was too proud to admit to Nishinoya that he needed help.

"Then screw yourself, I'm out. If you decide to be less of an idiot, get back home."
Nishinoya breathed out a huff, only to be met with a deathglare of Kageyama's, as he spread out his wings, ready to take off.
"Wait! I- Where is Hinata?!"
"What do I know?! Probably out trying to stalk his favorite human but unable to find you. I have no idea why he likes you anyway."
Kageyama paused for a second, and Nishinoya realized what he had just said. With a strong flap of his wings, Nishinoya was in the air, and gone in a blink of an eye.

Kageyama slid back down at the tree, still stuck on that last sentence. Favorite human? That's how Hinata talked about him?
It brought a warm feeling to his chest and it made him smile to himself. He found that he liked Hinata a lot as well. More than the volleyball club. Maybe as much as volleyball itself.
His face twisted into a grimace. Kageyama knew he could not attend the volleyball club again.

Or god beware, ever make it to nationals.

The boy hugged his knees close to his chest, resting his chin on his arms. Maybe he would just stay here. Nishinoya had to come back at some point, right? After all, he did somehow find him here in midst of that forest.
There was nothing against him finding him again, especially if he didn't even move.

Kageyama could feel his stomach growling. He was becoming hungry. Really hungry.
Were there any plants around that he could eat? By now he wished he had told Nishinoya what actually happened. Sometimes he cursed himself. Why was his pride always getting in the way of him asking for help?

Now Nishinoya was gone. What if he wasn't coming back? But Kageyama didn't want to move either, too afraid Nishinoya wouldn't find him again.
In the meantime, his pure stubbornness kept him rooted on the same spot, sulking. Nishinoya just left him behind, that boke. He was going to give him an earful when he came back.

If he was coming back.

Kageyama wasn't so sure about that. But he could still hope, right?

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