Building Nests

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"Oi Hinata."


"Do I stink for you too?"

Hinata looked up, suddenly a little redfaced. He did not know if he should be honest or not at this point.
"W-well uhm..."
"You s-smell like human, t-that's just all!! It's not exactly a... stink. It's more like some stuff just has the same smell and you humans have one!"
Kageyama stared at him for a good few minutes, then just grabbed a handful of moss he had been collecting and threw it at the bird. Hinata let out a startled chirp, then started laughing.

"Come on Kageyama, don't be sour!! We're gonna make you a great nest."
"A bed."
"A bed then, whatever! Come on come on, I know how to make it eeeeextra soft."
Hinata had been dragging Kageyama all over the place in near of the village, collecting moss, wood and large leaves. Kageyama's bag proved to be quite sturdy; and the charms on Hinata's feathers kept bouncing along just like the orange head himself.

It was almost dark outside, and yet, the two boys were not even close to gathering enough for a new nest. Kageyama looked a bit worried up into the dark sky.
"Aren't you supposed to be home at sunset?"
"Y-you remembered that? Eh, Tou-san knows where we are. It's fine. Also, would be no good to let you sleep on the ground."
Kageyama turned away to hide his smile. It was weird, accepting help from someone, and that someone wasn't even demanding anything in return. It felt relieving, to say the least.

It took a while, but soon enough they had collected a good amount of material and Kageyama stared up at the tree house with some sort of thoughtful expression.
"I can't climb that tree, boke."
"You're not supposed to climb it."
"For the last time, idiot, I do not have wings!!"
Hinata paused, then set up a sheepish grin.
"R-right. Maybe we should make you a ladder or something. For now, I can help you up and down."
With a more or less defeated sigh, Kageyama awkwardly wrapped his arms around Hinata's neck- which looked extremly stupid since that orange head was way smaller than him- before Hinata took off onto the small platform that was in front of his house.

"There we go!! Guys I'm home!"

Building this new sleeping place for Kageyama was more complicated than he had anticipated. Since most of the birds were smaller than Kageyama, the setter needed quite more space than a regular nest Hinata was used to.
With help of his family, all five of them finished this project long past sunset- and everyone was exhausted.
Without so much as a grunt of goodnight, Hinata's father moved into their nest together with his wife and daughter, all of them neatly curled up in their wings, cuddling into each other.

Hinata yawned, seeming quite tired himself.
"G'night, 'yama..."
The boy moved to join his family, leaving the large space for Kageyama inside his own bed. The ravenette laid down, curling up a little, covering himself with his own jacket. The moss was soft under him, it was nothing like his bed but at least he wouldn't wake up feeling too sore. He could get used to this.

But as the minutes passed, Kageyama began to curl up more and more... God it was cold, and his jacket was not nearly enough to cover his entire body.

That's gonna be a fun night... Kageyama thought, watching the family on the other side of the room before turning away onto his other side.

That was until he heard a bit of rustling- only to turn around and see Hinata sitting in front of him.
"Are you good?" he whispered, a little concerned. Obviously Hinata had heard Kageyama moving around so much. The setter hesitated a second, then sighed.
"It's cold." he muttered back.
Hinata quickly climbed in next to Kageyama, wings comfortingly draping over the two of them.

Hinata didn't seem to have a problem with being so close to Kageyama and promptly snuggled into his chest with a soft yawn, eyes falling shut within seconds.
Kageyama on the other hand turned as stiff as a stick, staring down at Hinata with wide eyes, face slowly turning red.

Why is he here

Why is he doing this

Why is he so fucking close

And the worst thing about it, Hinata's sleeping face was fucking adorable. The setter could feel his heartbeat picking up, and he begged to every god nearby that it wouldn't wake Hinata.
Fortunately, the orange head seemed to have a deep sleep.

Flustered, Kageyama slowly cuddled into Hinata and his illegally soft wings, enjoying the warmth that both of them were radiating. He did understand now why they were all sleeping together- sharing heat and cushioned feathers did seem like the most intelligent thing to do.

There was just one big question on Kageyama's mind as he tried to brute-force himself to calm down.

Is he going to sleep here every single time?

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