Chapter Ten: The Bloodbath - Thantos' Perspective

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6004 ABY, Thanatos' Midnight-Class Custom Starfighter, the 'Falx One', near the Elixir

Falx Squadron flew away from the Crimson Veil just as it exploded. Falx Squadron had performed this attack many times during the battle, and had practiced it many times before on captured Schism vessels. As the explosion spread, it consumed some fighters that had been chasing them, but not before one of them got a few final shots off. Those shots hit Falx Five's ship.

"Five, are you ok?" Thanatos asked.

"I'm good," She replied, "The shots didn't hit anything critical."

"Good," Thanatos replied, "Let's move on to the next target."

"Roger that, sir." Everyone replied.

They flew towards their next target, the Spring Free, and as they approached, they got a contact on their comm.

"Slaughter Group, return to your hangar. Repeat, Slaughter Group, return to the Elixir, over and out." Varados said urgently.

"What was that about?" Falx Five asked.

"No clue. We should head back." Falx Four replied.

"Yes, we should." Thanatos replied.

As they were heading back, three specialized Schism fighters came up behind them and shot at Falx Four, shooting their ship in its engines, and blowing it up. A piece of debris hit Falx Five, and she stopped moving.

"I've lost all thrusters, I can't move! Please help m-" Was all that was heard from Falx Five before her ship was destroyed by Schism ships.

Thanatos spu his ship around and shot at the attackers, destroying them.

"We must go to the Elixir. Lord Varados is waiting for us there." Thanatos said.

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